Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1487

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 203 . MARCH 3, 1933 . amount expended for such stations in one year shall not exceed $2,500 . D at e sc a l e : For the control and prevention of spread of the Parla- toria date scale, $27,925 . Thu rber ia w eevi l : For the control and prevention of spread of the Thurberia weevil, $3,275 . Gypsy and brown-tail moths : For the control and prevention of spread of the gypsy and brown-tail moths, $408,388 . European corn borer : For the control and prevention of spread of the European corn borer and for the certification of products out of the infested areas to meet the requirements of State quarantines on account of the European corn borer, $40,000 . Japanese beetle : For the control and prevention of spread of the Japanese beetle, $349,837 . Blister rust : For the control and prevention of spread of the whitepine blister rust, $9 .306 . Phony-peach disease : For the control and prevention of spread of the phony-peach disease, $10,799 and for the certification of products out of the infected areas to meet the requirements of State quaran- tines. Mexican fruit fly : For the control and prevention of spread of the Mexican fruit fly, including necessary surveys and control operations in Mexico in cooperation with the Mexican Government or local Mexican authorities, $114,197 . Certification of exports : For the inspection, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of Agriculture may prescribe, of domes- tic fresh fruits, vegetables, and seeds and nursery stock and other plants for propagation when offered for export and to certify to shippers and interested parties as to the freedom of such products from injurious plant diseases and insect pests according to the sani- tary requirements of the foreign countries affected and to make such reasonable charges and to use such means as may be necessary to accomplish this object, $18,558 : Provided, That moneys received on account of such inspection and certification shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts . The Advisory Federal Plant Quarantine Board created by the Act making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year 1929, approved May 16, 1928, is hereby abolished . Total, Bureau of Plant Quarantine, $2,158,514, of which amount not to exceed $236,353 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia, and not to exceed $6,600 shall be available for th e pur chas e of mot or-p rope lled and hor se-d rawn pas seng er-c arry ing vehicles necessary in the conduct of field work outside the District of Columbia . EN FORC EMEN T OF THE GRA IN F UTUR ES ACT FO OD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION SALARI ES AND GENERAL EXPENSES For all necessary expenses, for chemical apparatus, chemicals, and supplies, repairs to apparatus, gas, electric current, official traveling expenses, telegraph and telephone service, express and freight 1463 Control, etc. Date scale . Thurberia weevil . Gyp sy and br own- tail moths . European corn borer . Japa nese beet le . Blister rust . Phony-peach disease . Mexican fruit fly . Coop erat ion with Mexico. Export

inspection and certificates . Proviso. Receipts covered in . Advis ory B oard abol - ished . Vol . 45, p. 565 , repealed . Services in the Dis- trict. Vehicles. Grain Futures Act. To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect the pense s•`c emen t ex' provisions of the Grain Futures Act, approved September 21, 1922 Vol..42,r.88 (U. S . C ., title 7, sees . 1-17), $200,000, of which amount not to exceed $45,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . F ood and Dru g Ad- min ist rat ion . General expenses . Items specified.