Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/150

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. 'CH. 125. APRIL 22,1932 . aries. sal. For salaries of commissioners in Crater Lake, Glacier, Hawaii, Lassen Volcanic, Mesa Verde, Mount Rainier, Rocky Mountain, Sequoia and General Grant, Yellowstone, and Yosemite National Parks, $20,000, which shall be in lieu of all fees and compensation heretofore authorized . av ums immediately The total of the foregoing amounts shall be immediately avail- Provisos.

able in one fund for the National Park Service : Provided, That the Limitation. Secretary of the Interior shall not authorize for expenditure prior to July 1, 1932, any of the amounts herein appropriated except those for construction of physical improvements, for tree-disease and insect-control work, for fire-prevention measures, and for the Interchangeable ap- purchase of equipment : Provided further, That in the settlement propr iations . of the accounts of the National Park Service the amount herein made available for each national park and other main headings shall not be exceeded, except that 10 per centum of the foregoing amounts shall be ava ilable inter change ably f or expe nditur es in the va rious Limitation . natio nal pa rks na med, a nd in the na tional monume nts, b ut not more than 10 per centum shall be added to the amount appropriated for any one of said parks or monuments or for any particular item Report to Congress. within a park or monument : Provided further, That any inter- change of appropriations hereunder shall be reported to Congress in the annual Budget . Lectures .

Appropriations made for the national parks and national monu- ments shall be available for the giving of educational lectures therein . Roads and trails .

Construct ion, and so forth, of roads and trai ls : Fo r t he co nst ru e- co nst ru cti on, etc .,


7 of, in parks and monu- tion, reconstruction, and improvement of roads and trails, inclusive ments .

of necessary bridges, in national parks and monuments under the special authoriza . Jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior, including the roads tions. from Glacier Park Station through the Blackfeet Indian Reservation to various points in the boundary line of the Glacier National Park and the international boundary, and the Grand Canyon Highway from the National Old Trails Highway to the south boundary of Vol. 43, p.423. the Grand Canyon National Park as authorized by the Act approved June 5, 1924 (43 Stat., p . 423), and incl uding that par t of the Wawona . Road in the Sierra National Forest between the Yosemite National Park boundary two miles north of Wawona and the park boundary near the Mariposa Grove of Big Trees, and that part of the Yakima Park Highway between the Mount Rainier National Park boundary and connecting with the Cayuse Pass State Highway, u s.944,p. p . 1936. 616. areas to be established as national parks under the Act of May 22, 1926 (U. S. C., title 16, sec. 403), for the removal of the present Otter Cliffs Radio Station and its reconstruction within the Acadia National Park in connection with the Aca dia Park motor road, Maine, at a cost not to exceed $250,000, and for the replacement of an officers' quarters on the Navy mine depot in connection with the Colonial National Monument parkway, Virginia, at a cost of not to exceed $12,000, to be immediately available and remain avail- Contractual authori . able until expended, $4 ,50 0,0 00, which includes $2, 850 ,00 0, the ration . amount of the contr actual autho rizati on cont ained in the Act m ak- Vol.46,p.1135. ing appropriations for the Department of the Interior for the Provisos, fiscal year 1932, approved February 14, 1931 (46 Stat ., p . 1155) Personal services in Provi ded, That not to exceed $ 25,0 00 of the amount herein appro- Di str ict .

priated may be expended for personal services in the District of nionBa tsnr io r a ` Columbia during the fiscal year 1933 : P, ovided further, That in deemed Federal obliga- addition to the amount herein appropriated the Secretary of the `ions.

Interior may also approve projects, incur obligations, and enter vol . 46, p.1053.

into contr acts for addit ional wor k, in cludi ng wo rk o n app roach roads authorized by the Act of January 31, 1931, not exceeding a total of $2,500,000, and his action in so doing shall be deemed a