Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1548

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 213 . MARCH 3, 1933. Naval War College to be expended in his discretion not exceeding $1,000 ; and for other necessary expenses, $103,075 ; Training stations, Naval training stations : For maintenance, operation, and other maintenance, etc. necessary expenses, including repairs, improvements, and care of grounds of the naval training stations which follow : San Diego Cali- fornia, $153,618 ; Newport, Rhode Island, $191,211 ; Great Lakes, Illinois, $230,119 ; Norfolk Virginia, $217,943 ; 9eGun y. te .,pri , Fleet training : For tro phies and badges f or excell ence in g unnery, target practice, engineering exercises, and for economy in fuel con- sumption to be awarded under such rules as the Secretary of the Navy may formulate ; for the purpose of recording, classifying, com- piling, and publishing the rules and results ; for the establishment and maintenance of shooting galleries, target houses, targets, and ranges ; for hiring established ranges, and for transporting equip- ment to and from ranges ; entrance fees in matches for the rifle team, and special equipment therefor, $37,954 ; Instruction . Instruction : For postgraduate instruction of officers in other than civil government and literature, and for special instruction, educa- tion, and individual training of officers and enlisted men at home and abroad, including maintenance of students abroad, except ,aviation tr aini ng and subm arin e tr ain ing othe rwis e ap pro pria ted for, $181669 ; Libraries . Li bra rie s : For li braries, professio nal books , textbo oks, reli gious books, periodicals and newspaper subscriptions for ships and shore st ations no t otherwi se approp riated fo r, $60,1 19 ; Welfare and recrea- lion

Welfare and recreation : For welfare and recreation of the Navy . in cludin g peri odical s and newspa per su bscript ions, to be expend ed in the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy, under such regulations as he may prescribe, $300,000, which sum shall be paid out of the Naval Hospital fund ; Mrs† Training Cops, Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps : For all expenses incident operation e xpenses . t o the conduct of the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps under such regulations as the President has prescribed or hereafter may u. Vol . S.C c43, ., p. p. 113 i s7s .i

prescribe under the provisions of section 22 of the Act approved March 4, 1925 (43 Stat., p. 1276; U. S. C., title 34, sec. 821), $92,149, PJ0vi3o ,

of which $20,000 shall be available immediately

Provided, That uni-

uniforms,etc.formsandotherequipmentormaterialissuedtotheNavalReserve Officers' Training Corps in accordance with law may be furnished from surplus or reserve stocks of the Navy without payment under this appropriation, except for actual expenses incurred in the Trainin g, educ ation, manufacture or issue ; etc ..

In all, training, education, and welfare, Navy, $1,267,857 : Pro- Provi so .

T i d e d, . That the sum to be paid out of this appropriation for Group

(b) em- pioys.

employees assigned to Group IV (b) and those performing similar services under native and alien schedules in the Schedule of Wages for Civil Employees in the Field Service of the Navy Department, Limitation .

exclusive of temporary services, shall not exceed the following amounts, respectively : Naval War College, $73,000 ; Naval Training Station, San Diego, $7 .500 ; Naval Training Station, Newport, $10,000 ; Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, $14,500 ; Naval Training Station, Norfolk, $5,500 ; Instruction, $25,000 ; Libraries, $22,000. CONTINGENT, BUREAU OF NAVIGATION For co ntinuous- service c ertificat es, commi ssions, w arrants, diplo- mas, discharges, good-conduct badges, and medals for men and boys ; transportation of effects of deceased officers, nurses, and enlisted men of the Navy, and of officers and men of the Naval Reserve who die while on duty ; packing boxes and materials ; books and models ; Contingent .