Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1550

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1526 Flight training . Armories, wharfage, ate. Group IV (b) ployees . em- Aviation material, hangars, etc . Provisos . Flying pay restric- tions. Pa y, etc ., restric . tions. Naval Home . Personal services . Proviso . Limit on sum for Group IV (b) employ- ees . Maintenance. 72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 213. MARCH 3, 1933 . incident to their being given flight training unless, as a condition precedent, they shall have been found by such agency as the Secre- tary of the Navy may designate physically and psychologically qualified to serve as pilots of naval aircraft, $3,346,960, of whi ht amoun t $57 ,000 s hall be av ailabl e imm ediat ely ; not more than $150,000 shall be available for maintenance and rental of armories, including pay of necessary jan itors, and for w harfage ; no t mo re t han $81,000 shall b e availa ble for employee s assign ed to Gr oup IV ( b) and those performing similar services carried under native and alien schedules in the Schedule of Wages for Civil Employees in the Field Service of the Navy Department ; not less than $533,141 shall be available, in addition to oth er appropriation s, for aviation m ate- rial, equipment, fuel, and rental of hangars, not more than $397,914 shall be available ; in addition to other appropriations, for fuel and the transportation thereof, and for all other expenses in connection with t he ma inten ance, opera tion, repair, and upkeep of vess els assign ed fo r tra ining the Naval Reserve, and of such t otal sum $1,134,036 shall be available ex clusively for an d on account of N aval and Marine Corps Reserve aviation : Provided, That no appropria- tion contained in this Act shall be available to pay more than one officer of the Naval Reserve and one officer of the Marine Corps Reserve above the grade of lieutenant or captain, respectively, the pay and allowances of their grade for the performance of active duty other than the performance of drills or other equivalent instruction or duty, or appropriate duties, and/or the performance of fifteen days' active training duty, and other officers above such grades employed on such class of active duty shall not be entitled to or be paid a greater rate of pay and allowances than authorized by law for a lieutenant of the Navy or a captain of the Marine Corps entitled to not exceeding ten years' longevity pay : Provided further, That no appropriation made in this Act shall be available for pay, allow- ances, or traveling or other expenses of any officer or enlisted man of the Nava l or Marine Corps Reserve who may be drawing a pen- sion, disability allowance, disability compensation, or retired pay from t he Go vernm ent of the United States ; and " retired pay' as here used shall not include the pay of transferred members of such reserve forces. NAVAL HOM E, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA For pay of employees, $76,806 : Provided, That the sum to be paid out of this appropriation for employees assigned to Group IV (b) and those performing similar services carried under native and alien schedules in the Schedule of Wages for Civil Employees in the Field Service of the Navy Department shall not exceed $15,000 ; Maintenance : For water rent, heating, and lighting ; cemetery, burial expenses, and headstones ; general care and improvements of grounds, buildings, walls, and fences ; repairs to power-plant equipment, implements, tools, and furniture, and purchase of the same ; music in chapel and entertainments for beneficiaries ; station- ery, books, and periodicals ; transportation of indigent and destitute beneficiaries to the Naval Home, and of sick and insane beneficiaries, their attendants and necessary subsistence for both, to and from other Gov er nme nt hospitals ; employ ment of su ch ben efici aries in and about th e Naval Home as may be a uthorize d by the Secretar y of the Navy, on the recommendation of the governor ; support of bene- ficiaries and all other contingent expenses, including the mainte- nance, r epair, a nd opera tion of two moto r-propell ed vehic les, and