Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1559

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72d CONG RESS . SESS. II. CH. 213. MARC H 3, 1933 .


Public works. To enable the Secretary of the Navy to complete or continue the tho zedpr e cts . au" constru ction, by co ntract or ot herwis e, of t he public works and Vol.4,p.1444 public-utilities projects for which appropriations were made in the Naval Appropriation Acts for the fiscal years 1932 and 193 3 and within the limits of cost applicable to such projects, $1,946,950, of which not to exceed $85,000 shall be available for the employment of Personal services . cl assifi ed per sonal servic es in the Bu reau of Yards and D ocks a nd in the field service to be engaged upon such work andtobein addition to employees otherwise provided for . BUREAU OF AERONAUTICS Bureau of Aeronau- tics. AVIATION, NA VY For aviati on, as follo ws : For naviga tional , phot ograph ic, ae ro- exp Designated aviation logical, radio, and miscellaneous equipment, including repairs thereto, for use with aircraft built or building on June 30, 1933, $971,000 ; for maintenance, repair, and operation of aircraft factory, Aircraft factory, etc . air stations, fleet air bases, fleet and all other aviation activities, acci- dent prev ention, t esting la boratorie s, for ov erhauling of plane s, and for the purchase for aviation purposes only of special clothing, wear- ing apparel, and special equipment, $12,682,659, including $138,500 for the equipment of vessels with catapults and including not to exceed $100,000 for the procurement of helium, and such sum shall be Aate, p.1406 . transferred to and made available to the Bureau of Mines on July 1, 1933, in addition to which sum the Bureau of Mines may use for helium plant operation in the fiscal year 1934 the unexpended balance of funds transferred to it for such operation in the fiscal year 1933 , and the bureau m ay lease, after co mpetition , surplus metal cylinders acquired for use as helium containers ; for continuing experiments and development work on all types of aircraft, includ- ing t he pa yment of part- time or i nterm itten t emp loym ent in the District of Columbia or elsewhere of such scientists and technicists as may be contracted for by the Secretary of the Navy, in his dis- cretion, at a rate of pay not exceeding $20 per diem for any person so employed, $2,188,800 ; for new construction and procurement of aircraft and equipment, spare parts and accessories, $6,115,000, of which amo unt not t o exceed $5,715,00 0 shall b e availab le for th e pay- Incurred oblig ations. ment of obligations incurred under the contract authorization car- ried in the Navy Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1933 ; in all, $21,957,459 ; and the money herein specifically appropriated for Accounting. "Aviation " shall be disbursed and accounted for in accordance with Proviso,. existing law and shall constitute one fund : Provided, That the sum Limit on sum for to be paid out of this appropriation for employees assigned to Group Group IV (b ) empl oy IV (b) and th ose pe rformi ng sim ilar s ervices carri ed und er nat ive and alien schedules in the Schedule of Wages for Civil Employees in the Fi eld Servi ce of the Navy Dep artment s hall not exceed 81 ,221,- 575 : Provided further, That in addition to the amou .it herein appro- p1 treatcsfornewair- priated, the Secretary of the Navy ~IIay, prior to July 1, 1935, enter into contracts for the production and purchase of new airplanes and their equipment, spare parts, and accessories, to an amount not in excess of $8,100,000 : Provided further, That the Secretary of the traoeatpensesl

for Treasury is authorized and directed, upon the request of the Secre- tary of the Navy, to transfer not to exceed $24,000 from this appro- priation to the appropriation " Pay, Subsistence, and Transporta- tion, Navy " to cover authorized traveling expenses of officers and enlisted men in connection with flying new airplanes from contrac-