Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/156

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS . 125, 126 . APRIL 22, 1932. Restriction on opera- appropriated herein be used for maintaining, driving, or operating t`on . any Government-owned motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle not used exclusively for official purposes ; and "official purposes" shall not include the transportation of officers and employees between their domic iles and places of employment, e xcept in cases o f officers and em ployees engaged in field work th e charac ter of w hose dut ies make such transportation necessary and then only when the same is Limitations not ap- a roved b the head of the department . The limitations of this plicable to Secretary.

l p . Y proviso shall not apply to any motor vehicle for official use of the Secretary o f the Interior . av ail abl eto ti on not SEC. 3 . No appropriation under the Department of the Interior, ben t app oint ed after available during the fiscal years 1932 and/or 1933 shall, be used after approval of act . the date of the approval of this Act to pay the compensation of an incumbent appointed to any position under the Federal Government which is vacant on the date of the approval of this Act or to an When , inhibition not such position which may become vacant after such date : Provided, applicabl e. That this inhibition shall not apply (a) to absolutely essential positions the filling of which may be authorized or approved in writing by the President of the United States, either individually or in groups, or (b) to temporary, emergency, seasonal, and coopera- IInexpended apps tive positions. The appropriations or portions of appropriations priations returned to Treasury.

unexpended by the operation of this section shall not be used for any other pur po ses but sh all be impounded and returned to the Report to Congress. Treasury, and a report of all such vacancies, the number thereof filled, and the amounts unexpended, for the period between the date of the approval of this Act and October 31, 1932, shall be submitted to Congress on the first day of the next regular session : Provided, Authority o f Presi- Th at su ch impounding of funds may be waived in writing by the dent to waive impound-


g ing of funds. President of the United States in connection with any appropriation or portion of appropriation, when, in his judgment, such action is necessary and in the public interest . Approved, April 22, 1932 . [CHAPTER 126 .] AN ACT April 22, 1932 .

To amend section 5 of the Criminal Code . [S . 2882.1 [Public, No . 96.1

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Criminal correspond- United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 5 of ence with foreign gov- ernments.

the Act of March 4, 1909, c. 321 (sec. 5 title 18, U. S. C .), be, and Vol.35,p.1088;U.S. C.,p . 459, .amended . the same is hereby, amended to read as Follows : Correction in text . " SEC . 5. Every citizen of the United States, whether actually resident or abiding within the same, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof, or in any foreign country, who, without the per- mission or authority of the Government, directly or indirectly, com- mences or carries on any verbal or written correspondence or inter- course with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with an intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any dis- putes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the Governme nt of th e United States ; and eve ry person, being a citizen of or resident within the United States or in any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof, and not duly authorized, who counsels, advises, or assists in any such correspondence with such Punishment for.

intent, shall be fined not more than $5,000 and imprisoned not more than three years ; but nothing in this section shall be construed to