Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1562

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 213 . MARCH 3, 1933. PAY OF CIVIL E MPLOYEE S, aL RINE CO RPS Civil force at head- Pay of civil force : For personal services in the District of Colum- quarters'

bia, as follo ws Offices of the Major General Commandant and adjutant inspector, $116 ,958 ; O ffice of pa ymaste r, $46 ,640 ; Proviso .

Office of the

$119,287 ; in all $282,885 : Provided, No increase of an quartermaster, > >. listed men at head- That the total number of enlisted men on duty at Marine Corps quart-

headquarters on May 7, 1930, shall not be increased, and in lieu of enlisted men whose services at such headquarters shall be terminated byciv

to be filed for any cause prior to July 1, 1934, their places may be filled by Pay rates according civi lians, for t he pay of w hom, i n acco rdance with the C lassif icatio n to Classification Act . Vol . 46, p.1003. Act of 1923, as amended, either or both the app ropri atio ns "Pay, p.3. S . C., Supp. Vi, Marine Corps," and "General expenses, Marine Corps," shall be available . GENERAL EXPENSES, MARINE CORPS For every expenditure requisite for, and incident to, the author- ized work of the Marine Corps, other than as appropriated for under the headings of pay and salaries, as follows For provisions, subsistence, board and lodging of enlisted men, recruits and recruiting parties, and applicants for enlistment, cash allowance for lodging and subsistence to enlisted men traveling on duty ; ice, ice machines and their maintenance, $2,036,890 ; For clothing for enlisted men, $649,985 ; For fuel, heat, light, and power, including sales to officers, $463 ,400 ; For military supplies and equipment, including their purchase, repair, preservation, and handling ; recreational, school, educational, library, musical, amusement, field sport and gymnasium supplies, equip ment, servic es, an d inc identa l expe nses

purchase and marking

of prizes for excellence in gunnery and rifle practice, good-conduct badges, medals, and buttons awarded to officers and enlisted men by the Government for conspicuous, gallant, and special service ; rental and maintenance of target ranges and entrance fees for com- petitio ns, $443, 811 ; Not to exceed for transportation of troops and applicants for enlistment, including cash in lieu of ferriage and transfers en route ; toilet kits for issue to recruits upon their first enlistment and other incidental expenses of the recruiting service ; and including not to exceed $35,000 for transportation for dependents of officers and enlis ted me n, $38 1,250 ; For repairs and improvements to barracks, quarters, and other public buildings at posts and stations ; for the renting, leasing, and improvement of buildings in the District of Columbia, with the approval of the Public Buildings Commission, and at such other places as the public exigencies require, and the erection of temporary buildings upon the a proval of the Secretary of the Navy at a total cost of not to ex ceed 1 0,000 durin g the year, $360,0 00 ; For forage an d stablin of public animals and the authorized slumber of officers' horses, 30,000 ; For miscellaneous supplies, material, equipment, personal and other services, and for other incidental expenses for the Marine Corps not otherwise provided for ; purchase, repair, and exchange of type- writers and calculating machines ; purchase and repair of furniture and fixtures ; repair of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles ; purchase of five motor cycles, at not to exceed $295 each ; and pur- chase , exch ange, and rep air of ho rse- draw n pas seng er-ca rryi ng a nd General expenses . Authorized work . Provisions, etc. Clothing . Fuel, etc . Military supplies, etc. Purchase, repairs, etc. Prizes, badges, med- als, etc . Transportation and recruiting . Dependents . Repairs, etc ., to bar- rack s, qua rters, etc . Forage, etc . Contingent. Vehicles.