Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1601

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72d CONGRESS. SESS. II. CH. 281 . MA RCH 4, 1933 .

1577 except to supply an expressed preference therefor or for use where climatic or other conditions render the use of butter impracticable . Regular supplies of the Army : Regular supplies of the Quarter- Regular quarter mas- master Corps, including their care and protection ; stoves required tarsupp iias . for t he use of th e Army for heatin g offi ces, h ospita ls, b arrack s, and quar ters, and rec ruiti ng s tatio ns, and U nite d St ates disc iplin ary barracks ; also ranges, stoves, coffee roasters, and appliances for cooking and serving food at posts in the field and when traveling, and repair and maintenance of such heating and cooking appliances ; authorized issues of candles and matches ; for post bakery and Bakeries, ice, etc bake-oven equipment and apparatus ; for ice for issue to organiza- tions of enlisted men and offices at such places as the Secretary of War may determine, and for preservation of stores ; authorized issues of soap, toilet paper, and towels ; for the necessary furniture, tcxt- Fur ni tu re, school books, paper, and equipment for the post schools and libraries, and supp lies , et c. for s chools for n oncomm issio ned of ficers ; for the p urchas e and issue of instruments, office furniture, stationery, and other authorized article s for the use of officers' schools at the several m ilitary posts

for purchase of commercial newspapers, market reports, and so forth ; f or t he ta blew are and m ess furni ture for kitc hens and mess halls, each and all for the enlisted men, including recruits ; for Forage, etc. forage, salt, and vinegar for the horses, mules, oxen, and other draft and riding animals of the Quartermaster Corps at the several posts and stations and with the armies in the field, for the horses of the several regiments of Cavalry and batteries of Artillery and such companies of Infantry and S couts as may b e mounted, and for remou nts an d for the au thori zed nu mber o f offi cers' horse s, inc luding bedding for the animals ; for seeds and implements required for the raising of forage at remount depots and on military reservations in the Hawaiian, Philippine, and Panama Canal Departments, and for labo r and exp ense s inc iden t the reto , inc ludi ng, when spec ifica lly authorized by the Secretary of War, the cost of irrigation ; for the purchase of implements and hire of labor for harves ting hay on military reservations ; for straw for soldiers' bedding, stationery, stationery, etc. typewriters and exchange of same, including blank books and blank form s for the Arm y, ce rtif icate s fo r dis char ged soldi ers, and for printing department orders and reports, $2,796,465 . Clothing and equipage : For cloth, woolens, materials, and for the Clothing, , etc . hesmanuse purchase and manufacture of clothing for the Army, including ture, etc . retired enlisted men when ordered to active duty, for issue and for sale- for payment of commutation of clothing due to warrant officers of tile mine planter service and to enlisted men ; for altering and Laundries . fitting clothing and washing and cleaning when necessary ; for o perat ion of laund ries, existi ng or now u nder c onstru ction , incl uding purchase and repair of laundry machinery therefor ; for the author- ized issues of laundry materials for use of general prisoners confined at military posts without pay or allowances, and for applicants for enlistment while held under observation ; for equipment and repair of equipment of existing dry-cleaning plants, salvage and sorting storehouses, hat repairing shops, shoe repair shops, clothing repair shops, and garbage reduction works ; for equipage, including author- Equipage, toilet k its, ized issues of toilet articles, barbers' and tailors' materials, for use a t o f gen eral p risone rs con fined at mi litary posts witho ut pa y or a llow- ances and applicants for enlistment while held under observation ; issue of toilet kits to recruits upon their first enlistment, and issue of housewives to the Army : for expenses of packing and handling and similar necessaries ; for a suit of citizen's outer clothing and when M . c itizen's itizen's outer cloth- necessary an overcoat, the cost of all not to exceed $30, to be issued to each soldier discharged otherwise than honorably, to each enlisted