Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1610

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 281. MARCH 4, 1933 . Ordnance Depart- ment. Publi cations . Proviso. Sum for tanks. Rock Island, nl. Operating bridges, ate . armo red Arsenals . Repairs, etc . Gauges, dies,and jigs . Vol 39, p. 215 . 1 S.C.,p.1694. Purchase, manufac- ture, etc ., of gases. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT Ordnance service and

ORDNANCE SERV ICE AND SUPP LIES, ARMY supplies . etm an' uac t"r e' '-no, For manufacture, procurement, storage and issue, including research, planning, design, development, inspection, test, alteration, maintenance, repair, and handling of ordnance material together with Current expenses . th e machine ry, suppl ies, and services necessar y thereto ; f or sup pli es and services in connection with the general work of the Ordnance Department, comprising police and office duties, rents, tolls, fuel, light, water, adver tising , stat ionery , typew riting , and comput ing machines, includin g their e xchange, and furni ture, too ls, and i nstru- ments of service ; to provide for training and other incidental expenses of the ordnance service ; for instruction purposes other than tuition ; for the purchase, completely equipped, of trucks, and for maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled and horse- Ammunition for mil- drawn freight and passenger-carrying vehicles ; for ammunition for it ary sa lut es" militar y salu tes at Gover nment establ ishment s and instit utions to which t he iss ues of arms for sa lutes are aut horize d ; f or services, material, tools, a nd applia nces for operation of the t esting ma chines and chemical laboratory in connection therewith ; for publications for libraries of the Ordnance Department, including the Ordnance Office, including subscriptions to periodicals ; for necessary traveling Consultingengineers . expenses, not to exceed $44,315 ; for services of not more than four consulting engineers as the Secretary of War may deem necessary, at rates of pay to be fixed by him not to exceed $50 per day for not exceeding fifty days each . and for their necessary traveling expenses, $9,366,116 : Provided,' That $100,000 of . this appropriation shall b e avai lable exclus ively for th e procu rement of co nverti ble armored tanks. RO CK ISLAND BRIDGE, ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS For operatin g, repair , and pre servation of Rock Island br idges and viaduct, and maintenance and repair of the arsenal street connecting the bridges, $31,700 . REPAIRS OF ARS EN ALS For repai rs and impro vement s of o rdnanc e estab lishme nts, a nd to meet such unforese en expend itures as accident s or othe r conting encies may require, $767,881, of which amount $74,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be used for lining ammunition storage galleries in Hawaii . GAUGES, DIES, AND JIGS FOR MANUFACTURE Procuring, for arma- ment manufacture . For the development and procurement of gauges, dies, jigs, and other special aids and appliances, including specifications and detail ed dra wings, to ca rry ou t the purpose of se ction 123 of the National Defense Act, approved June 3, 1916 (U . S . C ., title 50, sec . 78) . including not to exceed . $600 for traveling expenses, $70,300 . Chemical Warfare

CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE Service. For purchase, manufacture, and test of chemical warfare gases or other toxic su bstances, gas mask s, or ot her offen sive or d efensive materials or appliances required for gas-warfare purposes, includ- ing all necessary investigations, research, design, experimentation,