Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1641

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 282. MAR CH 4, 1933 .

1617 INDEP ENDE NT O FFIC ES For m edical an d hospita l service s, Veter ans' Bure au, $16,0 79 .59 . For military and naval compensation, Veterans' Administration, $85 .25 . For salaries and expenses, Veterans' Bureau, $70 . For v ocational rehabili tation, V eterans' Bureau, $59 .6 6 . For Army pensions, $15 .56 . DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Plant Industry, $10 .08 . For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Animal Industry, $23 .20 . DEP AR TM ENT OF COMMERCE For photolithographing, Patent Office, $500 . DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIO R For contingent expenses of land offices, $32 .07 . For Geological Survey, $6 .15 . For Natio nal Pa rk Ser vice, $8 .50 . For medical relief in Alaska, $28 .47. For Indian schools, support, $37 .49 . DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE For detectio n and pro secution of crimes, $24 .85 . For salaries, fees, and expenses of marshals, United States courts, $39 .52 . For miscellaneous expenses, United States courts, $317 . For bo oks for judicial officers, $1,05 6 . 55 . For support of United States p risoners, $1,052 .61 . NAVY DE PART MENT For pay, miscellaneous, 72 cents . For transportation, Bureau of Navigation, $4 .01 . For pay, subsistence, and transportation, Navy, $693 .80. For pay of the Navy, $442 .73 . For pay, Marine Corps, $677 .60. For general expenses, Marine Corps, $43 .64 . PO ST OFFICE DE PART MENT -POS TAL SERV ICE (Out of the pos tal reven ues) For cl erks, first and second class pos t offices, $27 .53 . For indemnit ies, dome stic mail, $163 .1 6 . For indemnit ies, inte rnational mail, $2 7 .78 . For miscellaneous items, first and second class post offices, $4 . For r ailroad t ransporta tion and mail-mes senger se rvice, $4 . 17 . For rent, light, and fuel, $304 .50. DEPARTMENT OF STATE For sala ries, Foreign Ser vice officers, $ 16 .5 9 . 3051 „-33 102 Audited claims- Continued . Independent Offices. Department of Agri- culture . Department of Com- merce . Department of the Interior . Department of Jus- tice . Navy Department . Post Office Dep ar t- ment. Department of State .