Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1667

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XVlll INDEX. Civil Code, Canal Zone-Continued. Page. TRANSFER OF PROPERTY-Continued. I;ffect of transfer _ _ _______________ 1163 Gifts __________________________ 1163 PROOF AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF IN- STRUMENTS- Who may take; requisites_________ 1164 Certificates; endorsement and form__ 1164 Signatures; proof of execution; sub- scribing witnesses_____________ 1165 Defective certifications; action to prove instrumenL _ _ __________ 1166 Provisions of chapter affecting in- struments heretofore made not retroactive_ __________________ 1167 Deeds, etc., affecting lands in District of Columbia, etc _______ :- ______ 1167 WILLS, EXECUTION AND REVOCATION OF- Who may make; when procured by fraud; execution oL__________ 1167 Olographic ,",ill; definition_ _ _ ______ 1168 Witness; competency; gifts to; share of, by succession______________ 1168 Nuncupative will; execution of; req- uisites; proc3.te oL___________ 1169 Revocation of written will_________ 1169 By marriage and birth of issue______ 1170 Effect of contract for sale; mortgage; transfer _ __ __ ________________ 1170 Afterborn child, right to succeed when unprovided for__________ 1171 Advancements, effect oL _ _ ________ 1171 Distribution when legatee prede- ceases testator______ ___ _______ 1172 Charitable uses, restriction on be- • quests for; exceptions_________ 1172 Wills executed prior hereto_________ 1172 WILLS, INTERPRETATION OF, AND EF- FECT OP VARIOUS PROVISIONS- Intention of testator______________ 1172 Rules of interpretation; intestacy to be avoided___________________ 1173 Residuary clause; testamentary dis- position to "heirs", "relatives", etc__________________________ 1174 Bequests to a class________________ 1174 Correction of mistakes and omissions_ 1174 Bequests, vesting of conditions P:1e- cedent; defined; effect of; per- formance____________________ 1175 Conditions subsequent; defined_____ 1175 Estate of legatees; advancements; construction of prior wills______ 1175 WILLS, GENERAL PROVISIONS RELAT- ING TO-- Legacies, nature and designation of __ 1176 Order of resort to estate for debts___ 1176 Civil Code, Canal Zone-Continued. WILLS, GENERAL PROVISIONS RELAT- ING TO-Continued. Possession of legatees; bequest of in- terest or income _____________ _ Gifts in contemplation of death; ex- ecutor; when not named; power of, to appoint; qualification oL_ Liability of beneficiaries for testator's obligations __________________ _ succEssIoN- Defined; succession and distribution in intestacy _________________ _ Inheritance of illegitimate children __ Succession to __________________ _ Computation of degrees of kindred __ Advancements; effect oL _________ _ Husband and wife, inheritance from eachother __________________ _ Community property ___________ _ Inheritance by representation _____ _ By aliens _____________________ _ Escheat of property ______________ _ Liability of successor for decedent's obJigations __________________ _ Person convicted of murder of dece- dent not to succeed __________ _ OBLIGATIONS IN GENERAL- Defined; how created; interpretation of __________________________ _ Kinds of________________________ _ Transfer oL _____________________ _ Extinction of ____________________ _ Offer of performance; partial per- formance _________________ _ Prevention of performance or offer; effect oL ___________________ _ Accord and satisfaction ___________ _ Defined; effect of accord ________ _ Novation; release ________________ _ CONTRACT, NATURE OF- Defined; essential elements; who may contract________________ _ Consent in contractual relationship __ Essentials of __________________ _ When voidable; effect of obtaining by fraud, dureBB, etc _______ _ Mistakes; kinds oL ______________ _ '\cceptance; nature and effect oC __ _ Revocation of offer; when and how may be made ________________ _ Object of contract; requisites oL ___ _ Void contracts___________________ _ Consi.deration; ddined ___________ _ Written instrument presumptive evidence oL _______________ _ CONTRACTS, MANNER OP CREATING-- Express, implied, and oral contracts_ What contracts must be in writing __ _ Page. 1177 1177 1177 1178 1179 1180 1180 1180 1181 1181 1181 1181 1182 1182 1182 1182 1182 1184 1185 1186 1188 1189 1189 1190 1191 1191 1191 1192 1193 1194 1194 1195 1195 1195 1196 1196 1197