Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1683

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· XXXIV INDEX. Coolidge, Calvin: Page. Oil painting of, for Executive Mansion_ 160 Deficiency appropriation fOl'_ . ______ 527 Coos Bay, Lower Umpqua Indians, act authorizing tLe settlement of claims of, amended_ ______ _______________ 307 COOOi Bay Wagon Road Lands. &ppropria- tion for patrol of; tire prevention____ 626 Copper Ores and Concentrates, tax on_ __ 260 Copyrights, foreign exhibitors at Chicago World's Fair, protection oL________ 703 Cordage, duty on, from Philippine Is- lands____________________________ 764 Corporations: Agricultural credit. See AgrlculturaJ- Credit Corporations. Bankruptcy, exception from provisions authorizing compositions and ex- tensions_ _______________________ 1467 Government, provisions of Economy Acts applicable to. See Economy Acts. Loans to certain, by Reconstruction Finance Corporation_ ____________ 711 Reconstruction Finance. See Recon- struction Finance Corporation. Tax 011. See Income 'fax, Corpora- tions. Costa Rica, appropriation for envoy extraordinary, etc., to __________ 476,1373 Cotton: Appropriation for- Delivery to Red Cross by Federal Farm Board__________________ 741 Futures and Standards Acts, enforce- menL ____________________ 638,1460 Investigation of production and diseases_ __________________ 622, 1444 Pink bollworm control, etc., coopera- tion with Mexican Govern- ment _____________________ 640,1462 Statistics, collection oL _________ 637,1460 Delivery of, held by Cotton Stabiliza- tion Board. See Federal Farm Board. Appropriations for. See Federal Farm Board. Distribution of Government-owned, by Red Cross, authorized_ __________ 605 Exchange of Government-owned, for arti.cles containing wooL_________ 1544 Cotton Stabilization Corporation: Appropriation to repay charges on cotton held by__________________ 798 Cotton held by, excluded from sales abroad financed by Reconstruction Finance Corporation____________ 712 Cotton Stabilization Corporation-Contd. Page. Delivery of Government-owned cotton to Red Cross directed_ _ _ ______ 605, 797 Cancellation of loan __________ . .___ 605 Cotton Standards Ad, additional facilities for classification to be provided_ ___ 1621 CounterCt'iting, appropriation for sup- pressing_______________________ 589,1498 Court o~ Claims. See also JWltice, De- partment of. Cherokee Indians, jurisdiction con- ferred to hear certain claims______ _ 137 Intervention in pending suits author- ized_________________________ 137 Countersuitsj set-offs______________ 138 Coos Bay, Lower Umpqua Indians, amendment of Act authorizing the settlement of claims of _ _ _________ 307 Fees for filing of petition, etc_________ 1519 Transcript of record for purposes of certiorarL __ _________________ 1520 Accounting and deposiL___________ 1520 Jurisdiction of, in- Labor disputes, issuance of injunc- tions_ _______________________ 70 Suits against. the United States aris- ing under Economy Act_ _______ 403 Courts. See also Justice, Department of; United States Courts. Jurors in criminal cases, permit service of alternate_ _ ___ ______ __ __ _____ 380 New Jersey judicial district, appoint- ment to fill vacancy, authorized__ 161 Courts-Martial Expenses, Army, appro- priation for ____________________ 668,1575 Cousins, A. H ., deficiency appropriation for payment of claim_ _____________ 35 Coyle, William R., deficiency appropria- tion for contested-election expenses_ _ 526 Crater Lake National Park, Oreg.: Appropriation for administration ____ 122, 849 Lands added to ___________________ 15,15,156 Credits Against Income Tax. See In- come Tax. Credit Unions' Act. See District of Co- lumbia Credit Unions Act. Criers, United States COllrts, appropria- tion for _______________________ 492, 1384 Crimes, appropriation for detection, etc., oL ______________________ 488,782,1380 Crimes and Misdemeanors: Allowance for good conduct, United States prisoners_________________ 381 Alternate jurors, calling of, in the trial of certain, authorized_ ___________ 380 Carlin Act amendments- Unlawful of property on interstate trains______ __ _______ 773 Receiving stolen property__________ 774