Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1686

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INDEX. XXXV 11 Criminal Code, Csnal Zone--Continued. Pagt). Amendments--Continued. WitnesR- Falsifying evidence to deceive_ _ __ 863 Unlawful interference_____ ______ _ 863 Women, abduction oL_____________ 868 Works of art, disfiguring_ __________ 879 Written instruments, mutilating_ ___ 879 Sections repealed- 4,6 __________ .. ________________ ___ 859 89-93______ _______ ________ _______ 861 299-302,305,345_________________ 875 424, 434, 435_ ____________________ 878 Criminal Law: Adulterated butter and oleomargarine, misbranding____ ___ ____ _________ 902 Appeal records, rules prescribing preparation___________________ ._ 904 Appeals, rules prescribing time of taking_________________________ 904 Bail on appeal, rules prescribing condi- tions__________________________ 904 Bill of exceptions, rule:) prescribing preparing______________________ 904 National military parks, viola.tion of regulations prescribed by Secre- tary of WaT- _ _________________ 1420 Right of appeaL __ -._______ __ .. ____ _ 904 Rules of practice and procedure on appeals, by Supreme CourL______ 904 Supersedeas, rules prescribing condi- tions on which may be allowed_ _ _ 904 Criminal Procedure, Code of, Canal Zone. See Code of Criminal Procedure, Canal Zone. Criminals, appropriation for expenses of bringing horne from foreign coun- tries ___________________ 24,487,538,1378 Crop Production, 1933. See Farmers. Crow Indian Reservation, Mont.: Appropriation for irrigation systems maintenance __________________ 101,831 Balance available for irrigation projecL 533 Crow Indian Tribal CouneiI, expenses of delegates__ _____ ___ __ __ ____ __ ___ __ 420 Crude Petroleum, tax on_______________ 260 Crummell School, D. C., appropriation for construction of addition, etc_ __ 360, 362 Cuba: Appropriation for- Ambassador to _________________ 476,1373 Preservation of monuments, etc., to American soldiers__________ 690,1596 Customs: Page. Appropriation for-- Cases, conduct oL _____________ 488,1380 Statistics, collection, etc., oL ____ 501,1391 Tariffs, international Bureau for Publication of, contribution .. 480, 1376 Bureau of. See also Treasury Depa.rt- ment. Motor vehicle restrietion ________ 584, 1493 Surveyors and appraisers offices abolished; duties transferred____ 584 Customs and Patent Appeals, Court of. See Ju<:!tice, Department of. Customs Court. See Justice, Depa.rtment of. Czechoslovakia: Appropriation for envoy extraordinary, etc., to ________ .___ __ __ ___ __ _ 476,1373 Agreement with, to postpone payment of indebtedness, authorized_______ 3 D Dahlgren, Va.: Appropriation for school at naval ord- nance station________________ 429,1529 Bridge authorized across Potomac River at_____________________________ 1557 Dairy Industry, Bureau or. See Agricul~ ture, Department of. Dallas, Tex., Pan-American Medical Asso- ciation congress aL _______________ 906 Dalles City, Oreg., t~me extenced for bridging Columbia :Kiver at The Dalles, Oreg______________________ 806 Dalton, Albert C., payment of judgment in favor of, excepted_________________ 28 DamagPo Claims: Deficiency appropriation for-- Agriculture, Department oL _ _ _____ 27, 542, 785, 1615 Commerce, Department oL________ 21, 27,542,785,1615 Interior, Department oL_ 27, 542, 785, 1615 Justice, Department oC ____ 542,785, 1615 Labor, Department oL ______ 27,542,1615 Navy, Department oL 24, 27, 542, 785, 1615 Post Office DepartmenL_ 27, 542, 785, 1615 Public Buildings and Public Parks_ _ 27 Treasury Department ___ 27, 542, 785, 1615 Veterans' Administration _________ 27,785 War DepartmenL ______ 27,542,785,1615 Daniel, Tillett S., payment of judgment in favor of, excepted________________ _ 28 Culbertson, Mont., time extended for Darien, C. Z ., appropriation for power bridging Missouri River aL ______ 43,1415 plant improvemenL_______________ 436 Colion, P. I ., appropriation for transfer of Danphin Island, Ala., time extend~d for lepers to, from Guam___________ 423,1522 I bridging Mobile Bayat____________ 1416