Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1689

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xl INDEX. Deficiency Act, Flscal Year 1932, Second- Page. Continued. Appropriation for-Continued. Navy Depllrtme'lL ______________ _ Secretary's Office _______ . _ __ _ _ _ _ Navigation, Bureau oL ___ . _____ _ 1610 1610 1611 State, Department oL_____________ 1611 Foreign Service officers, ir.struc- tion and transit pay_________ 1611 International obligations, commis- sions, etc _________________ ._ _ 1611 Treasury Department_ _ __________ _ 1612 Coast Guard___________________ 1612 Internal Revenue, Bureau oL____ 1612 Judgments, set off againsL _______ 1620 Public building projects______ ____ 1612 Supervising Architect, Office oL_ _ 1612 Veterans' Administration_ _ _ _______ 1604 War Depll.rtmenL ________________ 1614 British nationals, patent claims oL 1614 Judgments, offsets agaim'L _ _ _ ___ 1620 Military Academy ______________ 1614 Quartermaster Corps________ 1614,1615 DeFontes, Joseph, payment to _______ 527,1603 Delaware: Conveyance of Liston Range Rear Lighthouse Reservation to, author- ized___________________________ 294 Fenwick Island, conveyance of part of, for roadway____ ________________ 152 Delaware River, hridge authorized across, at Bushkill, Pa ___________________ 1551 Delaware River Joint Commission: Compact between Pennsylvania and New Jersey for creation oL ______ 308 Corporation created, purposes_ _______ 309 Commission membership; property; powers_________________________ 310 Acquisition of property, etc__________ 311 Surveys; maps, etc.; "real property", construed______________________ 312 Revenues; division of; payments______ 314 Amount to New Jersey sinking fund commission _ _ _ _______________ 314 Tolls; collection; rate; rules__________ 315 Covenants_______________________ 315 Bonds; investments in_______________ 316 Commission reports_________________ 316 Approval of Congress________________ 317 Delinquents. See Defective Delinquents; Juvenile Offenders_ Denmark, appropriation for envoy extraordinary, etc_, to __________ 476, 1373 Dental Materials, appropriation for in- vestigation oL _________________ 507, 1397 Denver, Colo., appropriation for mint_ 592, 1501 Department of State Building: American Foreign Service Association memoriaL _______________ - ___ - _ gO? Remodeling, etc., restrictions ________ 26,593 "Depot", construed in amendment of P"ge. Carlin Act_______________________ 774 Deserters from the Army, appropriation for the apprehension oL ________ 668,1575 Des Lacs Lake, N. Dak., construction of dam authorized across_ ____________ 67 Des Moines River, bridge authorized across, at Saint Francisville, Mo_ __ 802 Destitution, Relief of. See Emergency Relief and Construction Act of 1932. Destruction Island, Wash., appropriation for imprcvement of building at naval radio station_ _______ __ __ _____ ___ _ 436 Detroit, Mich.: Appropriation for- Hydrographic Office expenses ____ 444, 1543 River postal service ____________ 600,1509 d'Eyncourt, Sir E. H . Tennyson, payment of claim oL ______________________ 1614 Diaz, Judge Anacleto, exempted from pay- ment of damage claims_ __ _________ 27 Digest of the Rules, House of Represen- tatives, appropriation for preparing_ 386 Diminished Colville Indian Reservation, Wash., relief of homesteaders on ____ 334 Diplomatic and Consular Service. See Foreign Service. Director, Public Buildings and Parks: American Foreign Service Association memorial, erection_ _____________ 902 Armillary sphere, acceptance of, fo!' Meridian Hill Park, authorized_ __ 298 Chevy Chase Circle, D. C ., duties of, in connection with memorial fountain at_____________________________ 78 Employment of expert consultants by, authorized ___________________ .. _ 705 Inaugural ceremonies, 1933, quartering troops in public buildings author- ized __________________________ _ Erection of overhead wires, con- ductors _____________________ _ Permits to use reservations in Dis- trict of Columbia ____________ _ Roosevelt Island, administration and acceptance by _________________ _ Sale of designated parcels of land, not needed for public use authorized__ Disabled American Veterans of the World War: Incorporators; name; membership; purpose_______________________ _ Corporate powers; membership quali- fications; restrictions ___________ _ Acquisition of assets of unincorporated organization of same name______ _ Annual report to Congress __________ _ Filing of name and address of Statu agents ________________________ _ Amendment of Act _________________ _ 792 794 793 163 707 320 321 321 321 321 322