Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1704

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INDEX. Iv Forts and Fortifieations--Continued. Page. Forts and Fortiftcations--Continued. Page. Benjamin Harrison, Ind., appropriation for construction at_______________ 719 Benning, Ga.: . Appropriation for- Construction aL___ _____________ 718 Infantry SchooL _____________ 681, 1587 Construction, etc., sums authorized_ 721 Bliss, Tex.: Appropriation for construction at_ __ 718 Operations building, sum authorized_ 721 Bragg, N.C., appropriation for con- struction at________ _____________ 718 Donelson National Military Park, Tenn., appropriation for ______ 690,1596 Douglas, Utah, appropriation for con- struction aL____________________ 718 Du Pont, Del., appropriation for con- struction aL_______ _____________ 718 Ethan Allen, Vt., appropriation for acquisition of land_______________ 675 Francis E. Warren, Wyo., appropria- tion for construction at____ ______ 720 George G. Meade, Md_, appropria- tion for construction aL _________ 719 George Wright, Wash., appropriation for construction aL ________ _____ 720 Hall Indian Reservation, Idaho, desert land law applicable to ceded lands of_____________________________ 146 Hc.ll Irrigation System, Idaho, appro- priation for operation, etc_ _ _ _ ____ 830 Hamilton, N. Y ., appropriation for con- struction aL ____________ ._ ______ 718 Howard, Md., appropriation for hos- pital aL_______________________ 719 Hoyle, Md., appropriation for con- struction aL ____ ____________ __ _ 719 Huachuca, Ariz.: Appropriation for constructiol). at___ _ 719 Amount reappropriated for _______ 1580 Humphreys, Va., appropriation for con- struction at____________________ 719 Jay, N. Y ., appropriation for construc- tion at____ ___ ___ ______ _________ 719 Knox, Ky., appropriation for acqui- sition of land__________________ _ Lawton, Wash., appropriation for con- struction aL __________________ _ Leavenworth, Kans.: Appropriation for-- Command, General Staff SchooL_ Construction at ________________ _ Lewis, Wash., appropriation for con- struction at ___________________ _ Logan, Colo., appropriation for con- struction aL __________________ _ 3051 °-33 --106 784 719 667, Ib73 719 719 719 Mason, Calif., appropriation for con- struction aL ___ _________ __ _____ 719 McClellan, Ala.: Appropriation for construction at___ _ 719 Amount reappropriated__________ 1580 McPherson, Ga., appropriation for con- struction aL ___________________ 719 Meade, S. Dak., appropriation for con- struction aL ______ ______ __ __ ___ 719 Monmouth, N. J ., appropriation for construction at_________________ 719 Monroe, Va.: Appropriation for- Coast Artillery SchooL _______ 681, 1587 Sewerage system _____________ 674,1581 Myer, Va., appropriation for construc- tion of barracks_ _ _ _ ____________ 719 Oglethorpe, Ga., appropriation for con- struction aL _____ _____________ _ 719 Ontario, N. Y ., appropriation for con- struction at____________________ 719 Peck Indian Tribal Council, expenses of delegates ______________ . _ _____ 420 Pierce Harbor, Fla., appropriation for dredging channel of _ _ ___________ 1599 Riley, Kans., appropriation for cavalry schooL _____________________ 681,1587 Ripley Military Reservation. See Camp Ripley Military Reserva- tion. Sam Houston, Tex_, appropriation for construction aL ________________ 719 Sherman Military Reservation, Idaho, conveyed to city of Coeur d'Alene_ 563 Sill, Okla., appropriation for construc- tion at. _ _ _ _____ _____ _____ _____ 720 Slocum, N. Y ., deficicllcy appropriation for sewage-disposal pJant_________ 1614 Snelling, Minn., appropriation for con- struction aL ___________________ 720 Totten, N. Dak., appropriation for education of Indians____________ 106 Totten, N. Y ., appropriation for con- struction at____________________ 720 Wadswory;h, N. Y ., appropriation for construction at_________________ 720 Winfield Scott, Calif., appropriatIOn for construction at _________________ 720 Worth, Tex., deficiency appropriation for acquisition of narcotic farm sUe___________________________ 25 Fourth Assistant Postmaster General. See Post Office Department. Fox River, time extended for bridging, at Algonquin, Ill__________________ 58 France: Appropriation for ambassador to__ 476, 1373