Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1709

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Ix INDEX. High Cammissioner of Philippine Islands. Page. See United States High Commis- sioner. Highland, II}" compromise settlement, cancellation of lease aL____________ 783 Highway, United States and Canada, balance continued available for Com- mission on Construction of_________ 538 Highways. See Federal-Aid Highways; Public Roads, Bureau of. Hine Junior High School, D. C ., appro- priation for equipmenL____________ 19 Hingham, Mass., appropriation for im- provements at naval ammunition depot____________________________ 436 Historical Society of Montana, silver service of "Helena" loaned to_ _____ 149 Hodgenville, Ky., appropriation for pres- ervation of Lincoln Birthplace Me- moriaL _.. _____________________ 692, 1598 Hogansburg, N. Y ., bridge authorized across Saint Lawrence River aL____ 81 Hog Cholera, appropriation for investi- gating________________________ 619,1441 Holabird Quartermaster Depot, Md., ap- propriation for hospitaL ___________ 719 Home Economics, Bureau of. See Agri- culture, Department of. Home Loan Banks. See Federal Home Loan Bank Act. Homestead Entries, final proof on, time extended for offering; condition_ .. ___ 153 Homesteads: Appropriation for classification, etc., national forests_ ________________ 626 Diminished Colville Indian Reserva- tion, Wash., relief of homesteaders on____________________________ 334 Settlers may be excused frum residence on, in drought areas__ ___ __ ______ 59 Absence period added to life of entry _ 59 Homestead, Pa., bridge authorihed across Monongahela River aL____________ 772 Honduras, appropriation for envoy ex- traordinary, etc., to ____________ 476,1373 Honolulu, Hawaii, appropriation for Hy- drographic Office expenses ______ 444, 1543 Hoover Dam, Boulder Canyon Project: Appropriation for _____________ 118, 717, 845 Deficiency appropriation for__________ 535 Hopi Indians, Ariz., and N. Mex.: Appropriation for- School building repairs_ _ _ _________ 104 Water supply developmenL _______ 99,828 Deficiency appropriation for reimburse- ment for destroyed cattle _ _______ 1608 Horticultural Crops aDiI Diseases, appro- priation for investigation, etc_______ 623 Horticultural Protection, appropriation for ________ . __________________ 617,1483 Hospitals. See also specific names of hos- Page. pitals. Contracts for construction of, under World War Veterans' Act, 1924, and in Northwest and Southern States, authorized_______________ 2 Hot Springs, Ark.: Appropriation for- Army and Navy HospitaL _______ 674,678 National park, administration ____ 123,850 House Committee on Interstate and For- eign Commerce, investigation of cer- tain public utilities corporations_ ___ 11)44 House Office Buildings: Appropriation for construction, main- tenance, etc_ _____ __________ _ 392, 1361 Deficiency appropriation for recon- struction; furnishings, etc., for____ 16 Maintenance, etc., appropriation avail- able___________________________ 527 Balances for new building covered into Treasury_________________ 1361 House of Representatives. See also Leg- isla.tive Branch of the Government. Allowance for clerk hire, fiscal year 1933__________________________ 401 Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, investigation of certain public utilities corporations _ _ _ _ __ 1544 Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads to continue investigation of expenditures_ _ _ _ _______________ 1621 Compensation of Members reduced_ _ _ 401 Contingent expenses, additionai amount for fiscal year, 1932______ 140 Employees' salaries, payment Decem- ber,1932______________________ 747 Joint Congressional Committee to in- vestigate laws relating to veterans; extending time for report ______ - _ 1547 Laws, preparation and editing of, balance available________________ 10 Reconstruction Finance Corporation monthly report to be submitted to_____________________________ 712 Housing Corporation. See United State~ Housing Corporation. Howard University, D. C., appropriation for salaries and expenses_ ________ 131, 857 Hudson River: Time extended for bridging, at Cats- kill, N. Y _ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ___ 86 Provisions for bridging, modified____ 1563 Hungary: Appropriation for envoy extraordinary, etc., to _____________________ 476, 1373 Agreement with, to postpone payment of indebtedness authorized_ _____ 3 Huntsville, Ala., acquisition of site for public building authorized________ 1413