Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1717

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lxviii INDEX. Industry. See al30 Vocational Rehabili- tation. Appropriation for vocational rehabili- tation of persons disabled in _____ _ Infantry. See War Department. Injunctions in Labor Disputes: Issue of; jurisdiction of United States courts_________________________ _ Declaration of public policy _________ _ Promises contrary not enforceable__ _ Labor disputes_____________________ _ Acts not constituting grounds for issue of injunctions___________ _ Concerted acts and combinations; legal- ity ___________________________ _ Organization officers, liability oL ____ _ Injunctions; when may issue; proced- ure; hearings; notice____________ _ Temporary restraining orders; when may issue; effective period; amount and filing of security ___________ _ Injunctive relief; obligations of com- plainant; basis for; extent. ______ _ Review of record; certification; pro- cedure and precedence__________ _ Contempt of court; trial; venue; sum- mary proceeding; retirement of judge_________________________ _ When case held to involve labor dis- pute;parties_______ .. ___________ _ Terms construed; "labor dispute," "Court of the United States" ___ _ Separability of provisions of Act; repeal of cocflicting Acts______________ _ Page. 457 70 70 70 70 70 71 71 71 72 72 72 73 73 73 73 Inner Tubes, tax on_________________ .. _ 261 Insecticide Act, appropriation for enforce- ment oL ______________________ 642,1464 Insecticide and Fungicide Investigations, appropriation for_______________ 630,1451 Insects, appropriation for investigating in- jurious _______________________ 631,1453 Insignia, unauthorized use of official, pro- hibited_ _ _____ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ____ __ 342 Inspector General, Army. See War De- partment. Inspectors, Foreign Service, appropria- tion for expenses oL________________ 478 Insular Aft'airs, Bureau of. See War De- partment. Insurance Companies: Maintenance of headquarters and records in District, if incorporated under District of Columbia laws__ 158 Revocation of charter for violations_ 158 Tax on. See Income Tax. Insurance Companies, D. C . See District of Columbia Code. Insurance Policies. See World War Vet- erans' Act, Amendments. Insured Mail. See Postal Service, Domes- tic registered mail. Inter-American High Commission, appro- priation for United States section of. Intercoastal Shipping Act, 1933: "Common carrier by water in inter- coastal commerce", defined _____ _ Rate schedules of; filing with Shipping Board ________________________ _ Inspection and contents__________ _ Equality of rates for similar service; extensions; posting of rates; new schedules _____________________ _ Engaging in transportation as, pro- hibited until schedules filed and posted________________________ _ Compensation of, in excess of sched- ules unlawfuL ________________ _ Refunds and rebates_____________ _ Schedules, regulations governing form, etc., to be prescribed ___________ _ Rejection of, authorized; when ____ _ Penalty provisions _________________ _ Hearings to determine lawfulness of newrate ______________________ _ Notice; tariff schedule and service not to be suspended__________ _ Temporary suspensions "authorized; board orders ________________ _ Board denied power to fix specific rates_ Special rates to Government, etc., al- lowed ________________________ _ Shipping Act of 1916, applicability___ _ Citation of Act. ___________________ _ Interest, rates of, on jUdgments against United States and internal revenue Page. 483 1425 1425 1425 1425 1426 1426 1426 1426 1426 14~6 1426 1426 1426 1426 1427 1427 1427 tax overpayments_________________ 1517 Interior Department: Appropriation for- Columbia Institution for Deaf_____ 131, 857 Contingent expenses _____________ 91,821 Education, Office oL ____________ 127,853 Printing and binding___________ 9~, 822 Freedmen's Hospital_____________ 131,857 General Land Office ______________ 92,822 Geological Survey_______________ 118,846 Mineral mining acts enforce_ ment ____________________ 119,847 Printing and binding __________ 119,847 Surveys, etc__________________ 119,846 Government in the Territories_____ 127,853 Howard University ______________ 131,857 Indian Affairs, Bureau of __ _______ 94, 823 Annuities and per capita pay- ments ___________________ 113,841 Depredation claims, defending suits in _________________ 488,1380 Education ___________________ 103, 832 Emergency construction, etc., res- ervation roads______________ 711