Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1734

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INDEX. lxxxv NaturaHutlon: Act of June 29, 1006, amendments- Oversear, petitions invalid unless nat- uralization granted___________ _ Residence requirements: service in militia excluded: petitions hert:.- tofore filed __________________ _ Service on American-owncd vessels __ Certificates of citizenship: issue of, when name changed, fee ______ _ Certificates of arrival: provisions re- quiring, repealed; entry prior to June 29,1006 _______________ _ Alien residents not enemy aliens, nat- uralization oL _______________ _ Alien veterans of World Wa.. - Defined; terms, conditions and ex- emptions____________________ _ Proof required; certificates of arrival: final action on petition: oath __ _ Overseas petitions invalid, unless nat- uralization granted___________ _ Residence requirement; service in militia excluded: petition hereto- fore filed ____________________ _ Service on American-owned vesseL Certificates of citizenship; iBsue of, when name changed: fee ______ _ Certified copies of: admission M evidence __________________ _ Certificates of arrival; provision re- quiring, repealed; entry prior to June 29,1906___________ _ Reentry of deported alien; applica- tion ______________________ _ Naturalization statistics; compila- tion; requirements: funds avail- able ________________________ _ Alien residents not enemy aliens: nat- uralization oL _______________ _ Women born in Hawaii prior to June 14, 1900 _________________________ _ Naturalization, Bureau of. See Labor, Department of. Naturalization Certificates. See Natu- ralization. Navajo Indians: Appropriation for- Gallup-Shiprock Highway mainte- Pa.e. 165 165 165 165 166 167 165 165 165 165 165 165 166 166 166 166 167 571 nance ______________________ 113,840 Hogback irrigation project _______ 102,828 Moencopi day schuol plant improve- ments_______________________ 104 School building repairs __ __________ 104 Water supply development ________ 99,828 Deficiency appropriation for- Ganado irrigation project_________ _ Reimbursement for destroyed cattle_ Additional lands, Utah, set aside for __ _ 22 1608 1418 NanJ_ IndlaIUJ--Continued. Pace. Land purchases, etc., for, balances available______________________ 96,825 Title of, to be held in trusL________ 96 Naval Academy. See also Navy Depart- ment. Appointment of 1932 graduatfo..s as en- signs authorized_________________ 149 Excess of number authorized by law. carried as extra__ ___________ __ 149 Revocation of commissions hereafter issued________ __________ ___ ___ 149 Determination of rank, etc_________ 150 Restriction on admissions to, after Jan- uary 30,1932___________________ 432 After January 30,1933_____________ 1531 Naval Home, Philadelphia, Pa., appropria- tion for _______________________ 427,1526 Naval Militia. See Navy Department. Naval Oil Reserves, deficiency appropria- tion for expenses, protecting interests, etc., in______________________ 17,527,781 Naval Petroleum Reserves, appropriation for operation, etc _______________ 423,1523 Naval Property, gift of certain, to veteran associations authorized_____________ 1369 Naval Reserve. See Navy: Navy De- partment. Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps. See Navy Department. Naval Stores Act, appropriation for en- forcernent _____________________ 642, 1464 Naval Stores Investigations, appropria- tion for _______________________ 630,1451 Naval Training Stations, appropriation for maintenance, etc____________ 425,1524 Naval War College, appropriation for maintenance, etc., expenses ______ 427,1523 Navigation. See m80 Intercoastal Ship- ping Act, 1933. Lights on steam vessels on Great Lakes; position; visibility ______ ____ _____ 152 Vessels navigating New York Barge CanaL______ _____ _____ __ __ ___ 152 Virgin Islands, admiralty laws of United States extended to_______________ 160 Navigation and Steamboat Inspection, Bureau of. See alBa Comme.ce, De- partment of. Creation oL___ __ ______ ______ __ ____ _ 415 Nllngation, Bureau of. See Commerce and Navy Departments. Navigation Laws, appropriation for en- forcement oL__________________ 503,1393 Navigation Rules, sailing vessels, lights of, under way or in tow on rivers, harbors, .\nd inland waters_________________ 1417 Na~.". See also Navy Department. appropriation transfers; restriction dur- ing fiscal year 1933______________ 411