Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/174

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CHS . 170-172 . MAY 6, 7, 1932. such regulations as he may prescribe, at any time during a period of two years from the dates of such commissions and each officer Discharge .

whose commission is so revoked shall be discharged from the service Beards to d etermine with not more than one year's pay . The rank of such officers of rank, etc' the same date of commission among themselves at the end of said period shall be determined by boards of officers under such rules as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy, and the recom- mendations of such boards shall be final when approved by him . Approved, May 6, 1932 . May 7, 1932. [s .469.1 [Public, No . 123 .1 Army, Navy Marine Corps, or Cossl Guard . W ar time rank given to retired warrant of- ficers and e nlisted men of. Provisos . Retired men on ac . tive duty. No pay increase . [CHAPTER 172 .1 AN ACT To amend section 11 of the Act approved February 22, 1889 (25 Stat . 676), [Public, No. 124 .]

relating to the admission into the Union of the States of North Dakota, Sou th Da kota , Mon tana, and Wash ingto n . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the . Public lands of desig- nated Sta tes .

United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 11 of . Di spo sal . of school the Act approved February 22, 1889 (25 Stat . 676), be, and the grants, modified . VoI . 25, p. 679, same is hereby, amended to read as follows : required . " That all lands granted by this Act shall be disposed of only at Tillable and grazing public sale after advert ising- tillab le land s capa ble of produ cing la nds

minimum price.

agricultural crops for not less than $10 per acre and lands principally valuable for grazing purposes for not less than $5 per acre . Any Exchanges; restric- of the said lands may be exchanged for other lands, public or private, tion. of equal value and as near as may be of equal area, but if any of the said lands are exchanged with the United States, such exchange shall be lim ited t o surv eyed, nonmin eral, u nreser ved pu blic l ands of the United States within the State . Leases . easg and agricul- " The said lands may be lease d under s uch regul ations as the legi s- turallands. lature may prescribe ; but leases for grazing and agricultural pur- Mineral leases .

poses shall not be for a term longer than five years ; mineral leases, including Teases for exploration for oil and gas and the extraction poF r hydroelectric thereof, for a term not longer than twenty years ; and leases for development of hydroelectric power for a term not longer than fifty years . May 7, 1932 . [s. 2396 .1 [CHAPTER 171 .1 AN ACT To give war-time commissioned rank to retired warrant officers and enlisted men . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all warrant officers and enlisted men who served in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard of the United States during the World War or th e Spa nish- Amer ican War, and whose serv ice d urin g suc h war was credi table, an d who hav e been or hereafte r may be retired a ccord- ing to law shall on the date of approval of this Act or upon retire- ment in the case of those now on the active lists of the services named herein, be advanced in rank on the retired list to the highest . commis sioned , warr ant, o r enli sted g rade he ld by them d uring such war : Provided, That nothing in this Act shall entitle any of the personnel described herein, while on active duty, to any other rank than that in which they were serving at the time of retirement : And provided further, That no increase in active or retired pay or allow- ances sh all resul t from th e passage of this Act . Approved, May 7, 1932 .