Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1740

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INDEX. . XCI Panama Cual Zone-Continued. Pace. Appropriation for-Continued. Alien cripples, payment to ______ 695, 1600 American seamen, relief, etc., oL 478,1375 Civil government expenses ______ 695,1601 Governor, salary oL____________ 694, 1600 Hospital care, Army officers, etc_ 678, 1585 Madden Dam construction, etc __ 695,1600 Maintenance and operation ex- penses ____________________ 694, 1600 Sanitation, etc_________________ 695, 1601 Seacoast defenses_ _ ____________ 682, 1588 Supplies, etc___________________ 694,1600 Albrook Fi.zld, construction, etc., sums authorized_____________________ 720 Aliens, reentry of deported___________ 577 Annual leave provisions, employees oL 1515 Birds, regulations for protecting_______ 576 Bull fights prohibited________________ 568 Cock fights prohibited_______________ 568 .... r edits allowed, moneys received for services, etc., rendered by________ 695 Customs service- Rules and regulations by Governor __ 813 Powers of customs officers__________ 813 Punishment for unlawful importa- tions_ _ _______ __ ____ ______ __ _ 813 For importing merchandise not manifested; exemption____ ___ 813 Sea stores________________________ 814 Dog fights prohibited________________ 568 Domestic animals- Regulations on keeping oL_________ 578 Punishment for violations__________ 579 Extradition of fugitives- From RepUblic of Panama; delivery; if citizens of United States_____ · 574 Demand for arrest; condemned crim- inals; telegraphio requests for detention ____________________ 575 Delivery to agent_________________ 575 Fugitive's papers; disposition; ex- pense of capture_ _____________ 575 .Firearms and dangerous 'fIeapons- Carrying on person unlawful; excep- tions________________________ 573 Hunting permits; application; fee;' regulations; validity___________ 573 Penalty for violations______________ 574 Fire hunting unlawful_______________ 572 Gambling establishments or possession of gambling devices in, unlawful_ _ 572 Gamboa Reach and Camp Gaillard, im- provements at, sum authorized____ 721 Intoxicating liquors; importation of prohibited; exception____________ 579 Laborers, Executive order making en- ticing of, a misdemeanor, repealed_ 810 Lotteries, prohibited________________ 661 Panama Canal Zone-Continued. Pap. Market regulations, ordinance estab- lishing, repealed________________ 810 Oaths, authority of certain officials to ~ter_____________________ 576 Paitilla Point Military Reservation, boundary modification_ _ ___ _____ 145 Panama Canal Act amendments. See Panama Canal Act. Penal Code amendments. See Crimi- nal Code, Canal Zone. Postal Service- United States postal laws to govern_ _ 812 Post offices, establishment_ _______ 812 Deposit money orders; interest rate_ 812 Repeal of former laws___________ 813 Publio defender; appointment; duties; compensation_ _ ________________ 578 Purchase of land on Taboguilla and Taboga Islands, balances avail- able for___ ____ __ __________ _____ 541 Radio communicating facilities on ves- sels using ports oL______________ 576 Regulations governing operation of, to be prescribed by President_______ 578 Sanitation regulations- Punishment, violating quarantine regulations_ __ __ _ ____________ 818 Rules by President; issue of licenses_ _ 818 Street railway cars, regulations govern- ing operation__ _______ _____ __ ___ 577 United States citizenship oonferred on certain natives of Virgin Islands residing in_ _______ ____ ____ _____ 336 Vessel inspection- Regulations; foreign vessels; certifica- cates________________________ 811 Penalties; revocation of certificates_ 811 Vessels for hire__ __ ______ ____ _____ 812 Waterworks, etc., operation in Pan- ama and COlon ______________ 695,1601 Panama City, Panama: Appropriation for-- Hydrographic Office expenses____ 444,1543 Waterworks, sewers, and pave- ments____________________ 695,1601 Panama Railroad: Appropriation for supplies, etc., for_ 694, 1600 Annual leave provisions, employees of _ 1515 Disposition of moneys received from_ 695, 1601 Pan American Medical Association, wel- come of_ _ _ __ ____________________ 906 Pan American Sanitary Bnreaa. appro- priation for contribution________ 482,1376 Pan American Union, appropriation for contribution __________________ 482,1376 Papato Indians, Ariz., appropriation for water supply developmenL _______ 99,828 Paper, appropriation for investigation_ 505, 1395