Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1749

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c INDEX. Railway Mail Service, appro!lriation Pap. for ___________________________ 601,1510 Railway Trains, unlawful taking of prop- erty {roal. See Interstate Commerce. Rnlny River: Bridge authorized across, at Baudette, Minn_ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _______ _________ 62 Protective works, etc., balance avail- able for _______________________ _ Randall Junior High School, D. C ., appro- priation for _____________________ _ Randolph Field, Tex.: Appropriation for construction aL ___ _ Amount reappropris.ted___________ _ Construction, etc., sums authorized ___ _ Randolph, Mo., time extended tor bridg- 542 19 720 1580 721 ing Missouri Rivel'at ____________ 149,772 Rapid City, S. Dak., appropriation for education of Indians_ ___________ 107, 835 Raritan Arsenal, N. J., appropriation for construction aL _________________ _ Reappraisement of Entries. See Tariff Act of 1930. Receiverships. See Income Tax. Reclamation. See Irrigation and Rec- lamation. Reclamation, Bureau of'. See al30 Interior Department. Division of expenses of investigations for States, etc., after January 1, 7211 1933__________________________ 117 Pewer sale rate, interest on cost of power system not included_ ______ 76 Reimbursement for salary of employee on work for Navy Department ____ 1609 Reclamation Law. See also Irrigation and Reclamation. Deferment of the repayment of moneys advanced to the reclamation fund_ 78 Extension of provisions of, to cover charges for 1932 and 1933 author- ized___________________________ 1427 Withdrawals of public lands under, au- thorized vacated___ _______ ______ 136 Rules, regulations, etc_ ____________ 137 Reconstruction Finance Corporation. See al.~o Emergency Relief and Construc- tion Act of 1932; Federal Home Loan Bank Act. Creation; office and branches; citation of act __ _ ______________________ 5 Amount of capital stock_____________ 5 Advbnces to farmers______________ 5 Diredors; employees________________ 5 Appointment, terms, oath__________ 6 Corporate rights and powers_ _ _ _ _____ 6 Franking privilege________________ 6 Loans and advance<l by corporation_ __ 6 Security; amount limited; period of loan; fees prohibited___________ 7 Reconstruction Finance CorporaUon- p . ... Continued. Drafts and bille of exchange, accept- anc~___________________________ 8 Exceptions; security____ ___ ________ 8 Deposit of corporate moneys_ _ _______ 8 Repcrts, records, etc., furnished Corpo- ration _________________________ 8 Examination of applicants for 10an__ 8 Obligations of corporation___ _________ 9 Maturity date; interest rate; secur- ity; guaranty by Government; payment_____________________ 9 Purchase and discount by Federal Re- serve banks; exemption from taxation_ ___ __ ______ _________ 9 Debenture, bond and note forms; preparation; custody of plates__ 10 Corporation as depositary of public money_________________________ 10 Liquidation by Directors; procedure__ 10 By Secretary of Treasury _ _________ 10 Reports to Congress_________________ 11 Penalty provisions_ __ __ __ __ _________ 11 False statements; willful overvalua- tion of security; counterfeiting; embezzlement; false book entries_ 11 Giving unauthorized information_ ___ 12 Corporate name, use oL_____________ 12 Criminal Code, sections applicable_ ___ 12 Amendments; separabilit y of provisions_ 12 Appropriation for making payments up- on subscriptions________________ 14 Amendments- Limitation on advances modified____ 714 Restriction on existing projects re- moved_______________________ 714 Reports, records, etc., available_____ 714 Outstanding obligations, increase au- thorized_ _ ___________________ 714 Advances to farmers______________ 714 Benefits extended to Territories, etc_ 714 Restriction on loans to institution with officer a director of corpo- ration_ ___ ____ __ __ ___ _______ _ 715 Board of directors, composition modi- fied;terrus___________________ 715 Secretary of Treasury to market obli- gations, crediting of proceeds___ 715 Discounting in exigency; restrictions_ 715 Loans to banks; closed savings banks included ________ __ ______ _____ 715 Home loan bank funds made avail- able_________________________ 728 I,qans to farmers, crop pr3duction, 1933; advances for______________ 795 Salaries of employees_ ____ ___________ 402 Record on Appeal. See Criminal Law. Red Cross. See American National Red Cross.