Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1758

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INDEX. . ClX Seeretary of War-Continued. Pace. Anacostia River, permits for construc- tion of intake and discharge tunnels in __________________________ .__ 319 Andersonville National Cemetery, Ga.., road right of way through, author- ued ________________________ ~-- 139 Army equipment, loan of, fol'- Confederate reunion, Richmond, Va_ 139 Inaugural ceremonies, 1933_ ___ ___ __ 794 Arrea, Julio Rodrigue?;, admission to Military Academy, authorized____ 1545 Bolling Field, D.C ., administration building, appropriation available for additionalland_____________ 699,700 Bonnet Carre Floodway Area, owner- ship of lands____________________ 810 Camp Bullis, Tex., additional sum for land acquisition authorized_______ 1350 Chickamauga-Chattanooga National Military Park, addition of Signal Mountain Park, authorized_______ 564 Edisto River, preliminary examination of, ordered__ ____________ _______ 305 Fort Myer Military Reservation, con- veyance of portion of, for highway connection, Lee Boulevard to Ar- lington Memorial Bridge_________ 1367 Freeport Harbor, Tex., reduction of penalty bond for improvement of, authorized______________________ 49 Green River, Wash., preliminary exam- ination authorized______ __ _______ 808 Indiana Harbor, sale of breakwater, authorized______________________ 447 Inland waterway, Norfolk, Va., to Beaufort Inlet, N. C., improve- ment __________________________ 1564 Juneau, Alaska, estimates for mainte- nance of Government wharf to be submitted_____ __ ______ __ __ _____ 306 La. Fayette Cemetery, Ga., erection of marker, authorized______________ 87 Lowell Creek, Alaska, estimates for flood-control works______________ 802 Powder, transfer of unserviceable to Department of Agriculture, author- ized___________________________ 1487 Regulations for government of military parks, etc., under War Department to be prescribed_________________ 1420 Arrest for violations oL____________ 1421 River and harbor improvements, reduc- tion in contribution of local inter- ests,authorized_________________ 1545 Saint Johns Bluff Military Reservation, termination of contract for pur- chase__________________________ 700 S~uth Dakota National Guard, sum au- thorized for land purchase_______ 1420 Seeretary of Wal'-Continued. Pace. Suriya, Manob, admission to Military Academyauthorized____________ 1545 Tisheng Yen, admission to Military Academy authorized_ __ _________ 1546 War Department eppropriations, ex- penditure for articles the growth, production, or manufacture of United States__________________ 62 Warrant officers and enlisted men, res- toration to former retired status, emergency officers_ _ _ _ __________ 776 Seeret Service Division. See Treasury Department. Securities. See Income Tax, Stocks and securities. Seed Grain Loan Acts, appropriation to permit collection of loans due under provisions oL _________________ 644, 1466 Seeds and Grasses, appropriation for study, etc., of commercial_______ 624,1446 Seed Testing Congress, International. appropriation for contribution___ 624,1446 Seguin, Texas, site designated for public building_________________________ 593 Seismological Observations, appropria- tionfor__________ ._____________ 510,1400 Selfridge Field, Mieh.: Appropriation for construction at __ 720, 1580 Gasoline-storage system, sum author.. ized for completion of_ _ _________ 722 Seminole Indians, Okla., disposal of tribal lands on approval of General Council_ 140 Senate. See also Legislative Branch of the Government. Allowance for clerk hire, fiscal year 1933__________________________ 401 Committee on Banking and Currency, income-tax returns made available_ 708 Employees' salaries, payment Decem- ber 1932_______________________ 747 Folding speeches, etc., balance avail- able ___________ .. _______________ 525 Inquiries and investigations, miscella- neous, limitation on per diem and subsistence_____________ 386, 1354,1602 Internal Revenue Taxation, Joint Com- mittee on; restriction on amount for services _____________ 385,1354,1602 Joint Congressional Committee to in- vestigate laws relating to vetera.ilS; extending time for report________ 1547 Panama Canal Act, appointments un- der, consent oL_________________ 817 Provisions of Legislative Pay Act of 1929amended__________________ 1353 Reconstruction Finance Corporation monthly report to be submitted tv. 712 Senate Office Building. See Legislative Branch of the Government, Senate.