Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/187

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS . 198-200 . MAY 20, 21, 1932 .

163 SEC. 4. No judgment for costs or other money judgment shall be No F edera l liab ility . rendered against the United States in any suit or proceeding which may be brought under the provisions of this A ct . N or s hall the United States be or become liable for the payment of the costs of any such suit or proceeding or any part thereof . Approved, May 20, 1932 . [CHAPTER 199 .1

AN ACT May 20, 1932 . To provide for the transfer of certain school lands in North Dakota to the [S ."16 .] In tern atio nal Peac e Ga rden (In cor pora ted) .

[Public, No . 145 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and Hovse of Represenatives of the Uni ted States of America in Congress assembled, That notwith- oe t ernat ional Pe ace standing any provision of any law of the United States to the North Dakota may contrary, the State of North Dakota,,is hereby authorized to provide convey certain s chool by law for the transfer without cost of all of section 36, township lands to . 164 north, range 73 west, fifth principal meridian, containing six hundred and for ty acres, more or less, a ccording to the United S tates Government survey thereof, to the International Peace Garden (Incorporate d), a corporation organi zed and existing under t he laws of the State of New York, to be used and maintained by the said International Peace Garden Incorporated), and in connection with other lands in the State of North Dakota and in the Province of Manitoba, Dominion of Canada, as a memorial to commemorate the long existing relationship of peace and good will between the people and Government s of Canada and the Unit ed States . The conveyance from the State of North Dakota to sa id Interna- si oeversionary provi- tional Peace Garden (Incorporated) shall contain a provision that if said land shall at any time thereafter cease to be used and main- tained as an International Peace Garden,_ the land shall revert to the State of North Dakota, and upon reversion to the State of North Dakota said land shall become subject to the laws of the United States applying thereto to the same extent as if this Act had not been enacted . Approved, May 20, 1932. [CHAPTE R 200 .1


Ma 21, ]s32 . To establish a memorial to Theodore Roosevelt in the National Capital .

is.N9 .] [Public, No . 146 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Director Theodore Roosevelt of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital be, Memorial, ce of Ma- and he is here by, auth orized t o accept and rece ive as a gift fr om the Sons Island for, author- Roosevelt Memorial Association (Incorporated), for and in behalf of the United States, the island in the Potomac River heretofore variously known as Barbadoes, Analostan, and Masons Island, to- gether with accretions thereto ; and that, upon acceptance of this gift of land, the said island shall hereafter be known as Roosevelt veDesig naed hercatosc Island and shall be m aintained and administer ed by the Director Post, h . ;99. of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital as peSet aside as a public a natural park for the recreation and enjoyment of the public : Pro- Proviso . vided, That no general plan for the development of the island be Approval of plans . adopted without the approval of the Roosevelt Memorial Associa- tion ; and that, so long as this association remains in existence, no deve lopme nt, in consi stent with this plan, be e xecute d wit hout the association's, consent .