Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/343

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS . 265-267 . JUNE 15-17, 1932 .

319 SEC . 3. That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia be •' 9tbor;ty to c on- e struct and operate in- and they are hereby, authorized to grant any and all permits for the take and discharge tun- construction and operation of any pipe lines and intake and dis- n ,6, etc ., co nferred . charge tunnels in or under the public streets, roads, and highways south of T Street southwest and east of Second Street southwest to the Anacostia River as may become necessary in the construction, installation, an d operation of a ny electric ligh ting and power pl ant, Restriction. provided the same will not interfere with the development of other property located within this area . SEc . 4 . That the Secretary of War be and he is hereby, authorized Permit authorized for y


tunnels, etc, in Ana- to permit the construction and operation of any intake and discharge cosua Riser . tunnels and/or other structures in the Anacostia River in so far as they affect navigable waters of the United States ; and that the Conveyances to Director of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capi- ownersofsquar e 667 . tal is h ereby au thorized , in con siderati on of the above-m entioned quitclaims to the United States, to convey, on behalf of the United States 1 to the owners of square 667 that portion of square east of 667 lying west o f the direct sou therly projectio n of the west lin e of Half Street as now existing north of U Street southwest ; and that Pipe line and tunnel construction, etc ., per- said Director of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National nutted in are a desig- Capital is hereby authorized to permit the construction and opera- nat`d • tion of any pipe lines and intake and discharge tunnels, upon such terms and conditions as shall be fair and reasonable, under and on any land s owned or claim ed by th e Govern ment of t he Unite d States lying in the abo ve area and/or b etween the east line of Water Str eet, or other streets , and the Anacos tia River . A ll areas conveye d by the Private property as- United States to the owners of square 667 shall thereafter be assessed sessment . on the books of the assessor of the District of Columbia the same in all respect as other private properties in the District of Columbia . Approved, June 15, 1932 . [CHAPTER 266 .] AN ACT June 16, 1932. To authorize the secretary of the Treasury to acquire land adjoining Lawrence [1t .It .s!i67 .3 iMassachusetts) post-office site .

[public, No . 1841 Be it enact ed by th e Senate and Hou se of Re presenta tives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the provision Lawrence, Mass . Acquisition of addi- of the Act of Congress approved July 3, 1930 (46 Stat . 899), for lional lands for post- extension and remodeling of the post-office building at Lawrence oV ol. r6 '• g


bui lding

f Vol. 4 p. 899. Massachusetts, be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to provide for the acquisition by the Secretary of the Treasury by purchase, con- demnation, or ot herwise, of such land adjoining said post-office site as may be needed in connection with said extension ; and the unex- pended balance of the appropriation for said remodeling and exten- sion shall be available for the acquisition of said additional land . Approved, June 16, 1932 . [CHAPTER 267 .1 AN ACT June 17, To authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to close Quintana

(5 .3911 .1 Place, between Seventh Street and Seventh Place northwest .

[Public, No. 135.] Be it enact ed by th e Senate and Hou se of Re presenta tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Tha t the Co m- District of Co lumbia . missio ners of th e Dist rict of Col umbia be, and they are hereby cloa grand dace authorized, on condition that the expense of moving and relocating Con dit ion . the water main now existing be borne by the adjo ining prope rty owner, and without other expense to the District of Columbia, to i