Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/350

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I . CHS . 270-272 . JUNE 18, 22, 23,1932 . to such e ffective date prop er relinq uishments or quitc laims hav e been procured and caused to be filed in the proper land office . Rev ers ion for no n- SEC. 5. On the cessation of use of the land granted for the purposes user.

of the grant the estate of the grantee or of its assigns shall terminate and revest in the United States . Approved, June 18, 1932 . Kidnaped, etc ., per- sons. Transportation of, in interstate or foreign commerce, forbidden . Provisos . "Interstate or for- eign commerce," con- strued. Conspiracy, to vio- late, etc., punrsbable . [CHAPTER 272 .]

AN ACT Tune 23,1932. [s. lls3 .] To provide for the incorporation of credit unions within the District of [Public, No. 190.]

Columbia . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled . District of Columbia Credit Unions Act . short title.

SHORT TTrLF SECTION 1 . This Act may be cited as the " District of . Columbia Credit Unions Act ." DEFINITION "Credit union" de- SE C. 2. A credit union is hereby defined to be a cooperative society organized for the purpose of promoting thrift among its mem- bers and creating a source of credit for them or provident purposes . ened. June 22,1932 . [S . 15'25.] Public, No. 369.1 [CHAPTER 271 .] AN ACT Forbidding the transportation of any person in interstate or foreign commerce, kidnaped, or otherwise unlawfully detained, and making such act a felony . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That whoever shall knowingly transport or cause to be transported, * or aid or abet in transporting, in interstate or foreign commerce, any person who shall have been unlawfully seized, confined, inveigled, decoyed, kidnaped, abducted, or carried away by any means whatsoever and held for ransom or re ward s hall, upon c onvict ion, be punis hed by impri son- ment in the penitentiary for such term of years as the court, in its discretion, shall determine : Provided, That the term " interstate or foreign commerce " shall include transportation from one State, Territory, or the District of Columbia to another State, Territory, or the District of Columbia, or to a foreign country ; or from a foreign country t o any Sta te, Terri tory, or the Dist rict of C olumbia Pro vid ed fur the r, That if two or more persons enter into an ao-ree- ment, confederation, or conspiracy to violate the provisions of the foregoing Act and do any overt act toward carrying out such unlaw- ful ag reemen t, con federa tion, or con spiracy such person or pe rsons shall be pun ished in lik e mann er as hereinb efore provid ed by this Act. Approved, June 22, 1932 . Organization Certifi-

ORGANIZATION CERTIFICATE cate. Contents of . SEC. 3 . Any seven or more persons, who are actual residents of, or do bus iness or are emplo yed wi thin, the Dis trict of Col umbia, and who desire to form a credit union, shall subscribe before some officer in the Distr ict co mpeten t to t ake th e ackno wledgm ent of deeds , an organization certificate which shall specifically state-