Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/357

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS. 274, 275 . JU NE 23, 24, 1932 .

333 thence right along said one-minute curve a distance of one hundred and forty-nine and two-tenths feet ; thence south fifty degrees five minutes east a distance of eight hundred and ninety and seven-tenths feet to a steel pin in the we st boundary line of Patrick Sharkey's property ; thence along said west boundary line north thirty degrees fifty-two minutes east a distance of thirty feet to the point of be- ginning, and being a strip of land required for the sixty-foot right of way of the Leestown and Frankfort Road, as shown on map of said road by the Kentucky State Highway Department . Approved, Ju ne 23, 1932 . [CHAP TER 275.] AN ACT June 24,1932. To enable the collection of import duties on foreign-made goods entering the [s .4367 .1 Virgin Islands through parcel-post mail .

[Public, No.193.] B e it enact ed by the S enate and House of Re prese ntativ es of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 4 of an c llintIsl Islands. Act entitled "An Act to pro vide a temp orar y go vern ment for the duties. Wes t In dian Isl ands acq uire d by the United Sta tes from Den mark by the convention entered into between said countries on the 4th day 44, pVo l , 39, 1 . .1235amended .ol ' of August, 1916 and ratified by the Senate of the United States on the 7th day of Sept~ember, 1916, and for other purposes," approved March 3,1917 (39 Stat . 1134 ; U .S. C ., title 48, sec . 1395), as amended sup, . V,p .690,,amend- by the Act of February 25, 1927 (44 Stat. 1235 ; U. S. C., Supp. V, ad. title 48, sec . 1395), be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as fo llo ws " SEC. 4 . That until Congress shall otherwise provide all laws now tax laws uanea of local impo sing taxes in th e sai d Wes t Indi an Is lands , incl uding the cus- toms laws and regulations, shall, in so far as compatible with the cha nged sovere ignty and not o therwi se he rein provid ed, c ontin ue in force and effect, except that articles the growth, product, or manu- states . of United facture of the United States shall be admitted there free of duty : Provisos . Provided, That upon exportation of sugar to any foreign country, Expo rt d uty on sugar. or the shipment thereof to the United States or any of its possessions, there shall be levied, collected, and paid thereon an export duty of $6 per ton of two thousand pounds, irrespective of polariscope test,

int er nal in lieu of any export tax now required by law : Provided further, revenue enul levy ta xes p of permit- That the internal revenue-taxes levied by the Colonial Council of ted . Saint Croix i or by the Colonial Council of Saint Thomas and Saint John, in pursuance of the authority granted by this Act on articles, goods, wares, or merchandise may be levied and collected as the Colonial Council of Saint Croix, or as the Colonial Council of Saint Thomas and Saint John, may direct, on the articles subject to said tax, as soon as the same are manufactured, sold, used, or brought into the island : And provided further, That no discriminat ion be made No discrimination between the articles imported fr om the United States or foreign agai nst impo rts . c ount ries and sim ilar ar ticl es p rodu ced or m anuf actu red in the municipality of Saint Croix, or in the municipality of Saint Thomas United states a nd Sai nt Joh n, res pec tiv ely . The officials of the Customs and Post al to ms and postal sere. Services of the United States are hereby directed to assist the appro- ices to assist, priate officials of the municipality of Saint Croix, or of the munici- pality of Saint Thomas and Saint John, in the collection of these taxes ." Approved, June 24, 1932 .