Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/359

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72d CONGR ESS . SESS. I. CHS . 278-280 . JU NE 27, 1932 .

335 the entry inan applies fo r an extension a nd pays interest for one year in advance at 5 per centum per annum upon the amount due, and patent sh all be withheld until full and final payment of the purchase price is made in accordance with the provisions hereof : Provided further, That whe re p ayme nts are exte nded her eund er for m ore than one year the same rate of interest shall be paid in advance for the second year : And prov ided f urthe r, That fail ure to make any payment that may be due, unless the same be extended, or to make any extended payment at or before the time to which such payment has been extended as herein provided, shall forfeit the entry, and the same shall there upon be can celed , and any and all payments theretofore made shall be forfeited . Approved, June 27, 1932 . Patent withheld until com plia nce . Interest in advance . Forfeiture . [CHAPTER 279 .] AN ACT

June 27, 1932. Authorizing expen ditures from Colorad o River tribal funds for reimbursable [S .3ss4.] loans .

[Public, No . 197.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, Tha t the Se cretary Colorado River In . dian Rese rvation, Ariz . of the Interio r be, and he is hereby, authoriz ed to use not to exceed Expenditure of tribal $25,000 from tribal funds on deposit to the Indians of the Colorado ponds for or iz el sup. po rt of, authed . River Indian Reservation, Arizona, for the construction of homes for individual members of the tribe, the purchase for sale to them of seed, animals, machinery, tools, implements, building material, and other equipment and supplies, and for advances to old, disabled, or indigent Indians for their support, and Indians having irrigable allotments Proaiao y to assist them in the development and cultivation thereof : Provided, Availability limited . That expenditures for the purposes above set forth shall be limited to the fiscal years 1932 and 1933 and such expenditures shall be made under condi tions to be prescribed by the Se creta ry of tLe Interior for repayment to the United States for deposit to the crt,lit Reimbnrsa me . of the Colorado River Indian tribal fund on or before June 30, except in the ca se of loans on i rrigable lands f or permanent impr .,ve- Exceptions . ment of said lands in which the period for repayment may ruii for not exceeding twenty years, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, and advances to old, disabled, or indigent Indians for their support, such advances to remain a charge and lien against their lands until paid . Approved, June 27, 1932 . [CHAPTER 280 .] JOINT RESOLUTION Amending the joint resolution authorizing the erection on the public grounds in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, a memorial to William Jennings Bryan . Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 3 of the joint '

oTags Bryan Memorial, resolution autho rizing the erect ion on the publi c grounds in the city Washington, D. C. of Washington, District of Columbia, of a memorial to William Vol . 46, p. 784 , Jennings Bryan be, and the same is hereby, amended by striking out amended . the words " or Potomac Park " appearing in the second line of said section, so that section 3, when amended, shall read as follows : "SEC. 3 . The memorial herein provided for shall not be erected Location of memo- or placed in any part of the Mall, nor on any ground within one-half r`a ll mile of the Capitol ." Approved, June 27, 1932 . June 27, 1932. (S.J Res .182.1 [Pub. Res., No . 28.]