Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/363

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 287. JUNE 28,1932 .

339 agency and may fix the fees chargeable for the risks assumed ratably Fees therefor. at the rates fixed up to $1,000 : Provided further, That the Post- et Re~in sur,c e of risks, master General in his discretion may cause to be underwritten or rei nsu red in who le or in par t w ith any co mme rci al ins ura nce companies any liability or risk assumed by the Post Office Depart- ment in connection with the mailing of any particular registered article or articles . " SEC. 2 . The full value of all registered mail or insured mail value station of full treated as registered mail shall be declared by the mailer at the time of mailing unless otherwise prescribed by the Postmaster General, and any claim for indemnity in any amount involving such ma il, clef read invalidate ate when the full value knowingly and willfully was not stated at the time of mailing, shall be invalid . All claims for indemnity involving Pro r ata adju stment registered mail or insured mail treated as registered mail or other of indemnity claims on t>




reinsured matter . insured mail, or collect-on-delivery mail, which is also insured with commercial insurance companies or other insuring agencies, shall be adjusted by the Post Office Department ona pro rata basis as a coinsurer with the commercial insurance companies or other insuring agencies ." SEC. 2. Section 3927 of .tiie Revised Statutes of the United States xs see . 3927 ,p .7fi3 ; i U.S. C., p. 1259. as amended b section 209 of the Act of February 28, 1925 (43 Stat . 4sol. 43, .1068 ; Vol, 469 amended. L. 1068), andy by the first section of the Act of May 1, 19 28 (45 u.s.C:, supp. V, P. Stat. L. 469; U. S. C., Supp. V, title 39, sec. 384), be, and the same is hereby, amended further to read as follows : " Mail matter shall be registered on the application of the party fese~ d eli of e otray. posting the same . The registry fees, which are in addition to the demmtyrevi,ed . regular postage, and the limits of indemnity therefor within the maximum indemnity provided by law shall be as follows : " For registry indemnity not exceeding $5, 15 cents ; " For re gist ry i ndem nity exceeding $5 but not exceeding $25 , 18 cents ; " For reg istr y in demn ity exceeding $25 but not exceeding $50 , 20 cents ; " For registry indemnity exceeding $50 but not ex ceeding $75, 25 cents ; " For registry indemnity exceeding $75 but not exceeding $100, 30 cents ; " For registry indemnity exceeding $100 but not exceeding $200, 40 cents ; " For registry indemnity exceeding $200 but not exceeding $300, 50 cents ; " For registry indemnity exceeding $300 but not exceeding $400, 60 cents ; " For registry indemnity exceeding $400 but not exceeding $500, 70 cents ; " For registry indemnity exceeding $500 but not exceeding $600, 80 cents ; " For registry indemnity exceeding $600 but not exceeding $700, 85 cents ; " For registry indemnity exceeding $700 but not exceeding $800, 90 cents ; " For registry indemnity exceeding $800 but not exceeding $900, 95 cents ; and " For registry indemnity exceeding $900 but not exceeding $1,000, $1: " Provided, That for registered mail or insured mail treated as Additional, for mat - ter in excess of mast • registered ma il having a declared value in excess of the maximum mum indemnity eov. indemnity covered b the registry fee

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paid ther e shal l be charg ed additional fees as follows : When the declared value exceeds the