Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/377

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 308. JUNE 29, 1932 .

353 Northwest : Virginia Avenue Twenty-sixth Street to Rock Creek Streets to be improv- ed fr om gasol ine tai, and Pot om ac Parkway, $16,000 ;

etc .,fund . Southwest : Water Street, M Street to Eleventh Street, $63,300 ; Northwest : For the widening to forty-six feet and repaving the roadway of E Street, Fourth Street to Fifth Street, and for the widening to fifty-six feet and repaving the roadway of E Street, North Capitol Street to Fou rth Stre et, including the necessary replacement and reloc ation of sewers and wate r mains, $155 .4 00 : Prnaise Provided, T hat in w iden ing and repa ving the se road ways , 40 per As sess ment of cost . centum of the entire cost thereof shall be assessed azainst and col- lected from the owners of the abutting property in the manner pro- Vol.46,p.1197. vided in the Act approved February 20, 1931 (46 Stat ., pp . 1197- f o dification 1199 . The owners of abutting property also shall be required to of' vaults under side- modify, at their own expense, the roofs of any vaults that may be walks,etc . under the sidewalks or parking on said street if it be found necessary to ch ange such v aults to p ermit of th e roa dway being widen ed

For grading streets alleys and roads including construction of Grading streets, al. b




legs, and roads. necessa ry culve rts and r etaining walls, $80,000 ; For surfacing block pavements and paving the unpaved center Sur facing bl ock pave • strip s of paved roadw ays, $60,0 00 ;

ment s, etc . For min or cha nge s in r oadw ay and sidewalks on plans to be Minor changes in approved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to facili- roadways,etc . tate vehicular and pedestrian traffic, $10,000 ; For construction of curbs and gutters, or concrete shoulders, in Curbs and gutters, connecti on with all forms of macadam roadways and adjus tment shoulders,etc . of roadways thereto, together with resurfacin g and replacing of base of su ch roa dways wher e nec essary , $29 0,000 ; For the surfacing and resurfacing or rep lace ment of asph alt , mSurfacing, etc ., pave• gra nit e block, or concrete pavements with the s ame or ot her appro ved m ateria l, $5 00,00 0 ; In all, $1,863,700, to be immediately available ; to be disbursed and Disbursement, etc. accounted for as " Gasoline tax, road and street improvements," and for that purpose shall constitute one fund : Provided, That assess- Assessment underex• ments in accordance with existing law shall be made for paving and isting law . repaving roadways where such roadways are paved or repaved with funds derived from the collection of the tax on motor-vehicle fuels and accretions by repayment of assessments. Street repair, grad- STREET REPAIR, GttADING, AND EXTENSION

fng, and extension . Condemnation : For purchase or condemnation of streets, roads, Condemnation . e tc. and alleys, and ofar arealess than 250 squaref

at the intersectof streets, avenues, or roads in the District of Columbia, to be selected by the commissioners, $5,000 . To carry out the provisions of existing law which authorize the Opening streets, etc ., u nder per man ent bigh - Commissioners of the District of Columbia to open, extend, ways system . straighten, or widen any street, avenue, road, or highway, except vol .37,p.sso. Fourteenth Street extension beyond the southern boundary of Walter tension tee nFour teent h Str eet ex- Reed Hospital Reservation, in accordance with the plan of the per-

nuke teexcepted. ria - manent system of highways for the Distri ct of Columbia there is tion for, from District appropriated such sum as is nece nary for said purpose, including revenues . the procurement of chains of title, during the fiscal year 1933, to be paid wholly out of the revenues of the District of Columbia : Provided, Alley im provemen ts, That this appropriation shall be available to carry out the provi- b uilding l ines, etc . sions of existing law for the opening . extension, widening, or straight- enin g of all eys and m inor str eets and for the establi shment o f build- ing lines in the District of Columbia . epairs : For current work of repairs to streets, avenues, roads, Re pairs, etc . alleys, including the reconditioning of existing gravel streets and roa ds, i ncludi ng pu rchas e, ex change , mai ntena nce, a nd op erati on of 3051'-33-23