Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/390

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366 Tuberculosis and ve- nereal diseases dispen- saries . Proviaos . Volunteer services. No pay authorized therefor . Drainage of lots, etc . Vol. 29, p.128 . Abatement of nui- sVo 34,p.114. Hy gi gachools ene, et c ., public . Personal services . Dental clinics . Proviso. Division of inspectors and nurses . Maintenance of labo- rat ori es,e tc . Preventing food, cand y, etc ., a dultera - tions. Vol . 30, pp. 246, 398. Pure food law . Vol. 34, p. 768. Milk regulations . Vol. 43, p . 1004. Proviso. Dairy farm inspec- tors. Allowance for motor vehicles . Motor vehicles . Child hygiene and welfare . Provisos. Volunteer sertihs ace,-pled . 72d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 308 . JUNE 29, 1932 . For the maintenance of a dispensary or dispensaries for the treat- ment of indigent persons suffering from tuberculosis and of indigent persons suffering from venereal diseases, including payment for personal services, rent, supplies, and contingent expenses, $44,000, of which not exceeding $15,000 shall be available for the alteration of qua rters, expen ses of movin g, and purcha se and insta llatio n of equipment, such work to be performed by day labor or otherwise in the discretion of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia Provided, That the commissioners may accept such volunteer services as they deem expedient in connection with the establishment and maintenance of the dispensaries herein authorized : Provided fur- th er That this shall not be construed to authorize the expenditure or' the payment of any money on account of any such volunteer service . For enforcement of- the provisions of an Act to provide for the drainage of lots in the District of Columbia, approved May 19, 1896 (29 Stat ., pp . 125-126), and an Act to provide for the abatement of nuis ances in the Distr ict of Colum bia by the co mmissi oners, and for other purposes, approved April 14, 1906, $2,500 . HYGIENE AND SANITATION, PUBLIC SCHOOLS Salaries : For personal services in the conduct of hygiene and sanitat ion wo rk in the pu blic s chools , inclu ding t he - 'nece ssary ex- penses of maintaining free dental clinics, $95,980 : Provided, That of the persons employed as medical inspectors one shall be a woman, four shall be dentists, and -four shall be of the colored race, and that of the graduate nurses employed as public-school nurses three shall be of the colored race . For maintenance of laboratories, including reference books and periodicals, apparatus, equipment, and necessary contingent and miscellaneous expenses, $2,500 . For contingent expenses incident to the enforcement of an Act relatin g to t he adu lterat ion of foods and dr ugs in the D istric t of Columbia approved February 17, 1898 (30 Stat ., pp . 246-248), an Act to prevent the adulteration of candy in the . District of Columbia, approved May 5, 1898 (30 Stat ., p . 398), an Act for preventing the manufac ture, sale, or tra nsport ation of adul terate d or m isbran ded or poison ous or de leterious foods, d rugs, med icines, a nd liquor s, and for regul ating tra ffic ther ein, and for other purposes , approve d June 30, 1906 (84 Stat ., pp . 768-772), and an Act to, regulate, within the Distric t of C olumbi a, the sale of mil k, crea m, and ice c ream, and for other purposes, approved February 27, 1925 (43 Stat ., pp . 1004- 1008), including traveling and other necessary expenses of dairy- farm inspectors ; and including not to exceed $100 for special serv- ices in detec ting a dulter ation of dru gs and foods, inclu ding c andy and milk, $8,300 : Provided, That inspectors of dairy farms may receive an al lowanc e for furnis hing p rivatel y owne d moto r vehi cles in the performance of official duties at the rate of not to exceed $480 per annum for each inspector . For maintenance and operation of motor ambulances and motor vehicles, $1,100 ; for purchase of one mo tor truck , $900 ; in all, $2,0 00, y For maintaining a child-hygiene service, including the establish- ment and maintenance of child-welfare stations for the clinical examinations, advice, care, and maintenance of children under six e ars o f a ge, payment for pers onal serv ices, ren t, fuel, periodica ls, and supplies, 52,000 : Provided, That the Commissioners may accept such volunteer services as they may deem expedient in connection with the establishment and maintenance of the service herein author-