Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/418

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 314 . JUNE 30, 1932 . LIB RA RY OF CONGRESS SALARIES Library of Congress . Librarian and office per son nel . For the Librarian, Chief Assistant Librarian, and other personal services, $842,0 45 . rib egggiis0 of Copy- For the Register of Copyrights, assistant register, and other per- sonal services, $2,49,380 . Legislative reference

LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE SERVICE service . Personal services for . To enable the Librarian of Congress to employ competent persons designated work. to gather, classify, and make available, in translations, indexes, digests, compilations, and bulletins, and otherwise, data for or bear- ing upon legislati on, and t o render such data servicea ble to Co ngress an d comm ittees and M embers there of, in cluding not t o exce ed $5, 700 for employees engaged on piecework and work by the day or hour at rates to be fixed by the Librarian, $67,500 . Card Indexes . Distribution service. For the distribution of card indexes and other publications of the Library, including personal services, freight charges (not exceeding $500), expres sage, postag e, tra veling expens es con nected with such distribution, expenses of attendance at meetings whA incurred on the written authority and direction of the Librarian, and including not to exceed $58,500 for employees engaged in piecework and work by the day or hour and for extra special services of regular employees at rates to be fixed by the Librarian ; in all, $170,000 . TEMPORARY SERVICES Temporary services.

For special and temporary service including extra special services of regula r employe es, at ra tes to be fixed by the Libr arian, $3 ,000 . Stat e le gisl ation .

IN DEX TO S TATE LEGI SLATION Preparing index and To enable the Librarian of Congress to prepare an index to the digest of . legislation of the several States, together with a supplemental digest of the more important legislation, as authorized and directed by the Act entitled "An Act providing for the preparation o a biennial v ' index to State legislation," approved February 10, 1927 (U . S . . C ., Supp . V, title 2, sees . 164, 165), including personal and other services within and without the District of Columbia including not to exceed $2,500 for special and temporary service at rates to be fixed by the Librarian, travel, necessary material and apparatus, and for printing and bindi ng the in dexes and digests of State legislati on for of ficial distribution only, and other printing and binding incident to the reappropri- work of compilation, stationery, and incidentals, $25,000, and in additio n the unexpe nded b alance of th e appro priati on for this pur . pose for the fiscal year 1932 is reappropriated for the fiscal year 1933 . Vol.44,p.1066. U. S. C., Supp. p.10. Vdl.46,p.1187. Index to Fe der al Statutes . Revisi on, etc . Vol.46,p. 585. To include Acts of Seventieth Congress . DISTRIBUTION OF C ARD INDEXES INDE X TO FEDE RAL STA' ru'rE& To enable the Librarian of Congress to revise and extend the index to the Federal Statutes, published in 1908 and known as the Scott and Beaman Index, to include the Acts of Congress down to and inc luding the A cts of the S eventi eth Con gress, and t o have the revised index printed at the Government Printing Office, as author- ized and directed -by the Act approved March 3, 1927, as amended