Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/460

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72d CONGRESS. SESS . I. CH. 318 . JU NE 30, 1932 . Availability .

" Public works, Bureau of Yards and Do ck s," and ma de available for the purposes of such appropriation and/or for the purposes for x.inat of cost not to which they were made, respectively : Provided further, T h a t nothing be increased .

herein shall be construed as increasing the authorized limit of cost of any specific project : Norfo lk, Va .

Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia : Caisson for dry dock numbered 2, $110,000 . Ammunition s torage Ammunition storage facilities, Navy : Ammunition storage facili- facihties . Vol. 45, p .928 . ties authorized by the Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1928, $1,500 000, being part of the contractual authorization granted in such Act . Hingham, Mass. Na val am munit ion d epot, Hingham, Massachusetts : Improvement of magazines, $8,000 ; improvement of water system, $9,000 ; in all, $17, 000 . Mare Island, Calif. Naval ammunition depot, Mare Island, California : Improvement of magazines, $50,000 ; improvement of fire protection, $25,000 ; in all, $75,000. Ordnance stations, Lightning protection at ordnance stations, $60,000 . lightning protection

hr snnn yvale ,cal il .

Nava l lig te r-than-a ir base, Sunnyva le, Calif ornia : To c o nt in ue Li gh te rt ba n .airbase, construction and improvements as authorized by the Act entitled construction . Vol .49,p .1092.

"An Act authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to accept, without cost to the Government of the United States, a lighter-than-air base, near Sunny vale, Cali fornia, in the county of Santa Clara State of California, and construct necessary improvements thereon," Contract authoriza- approved February 12, 1931, in addition to the contract authorization tion . Vol . 48, p.1577.

contained in the Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 193 1, approved o†•,~,•s'quarters. March 4, 1931, $1,000,000 : Provided, That no part of this appropria- tion shall be expended for the construction of quarters for commis- sioned officers to cost in excess of the respective limits fixed by law for quarters for commissioned officers of corresponding rank in the Army . Radio andradlo-com- Naval radio and radio compass stations : Improvement of power pass sta tions .

plant, Darien, Canal Zone, and improvement of building numbered 1, Destruction Island, Washington, $40,000. Phi lad el phi a, Pa ., The availability of the $200,000 authorized by the Act approved hospital construction . Febr uary 12, 193 1, Public Nu mber ed 620, of the Seventy-first Con- Subsurface o8 te condi- tions

gress, to be expended from the naval hospital fund for the acquisition Vol. 46, p. log', of land for a site for the hospital buildings at Philadelphia, Penn- amended. sylvania, authorized by said Act, is hereby extended to include investigations by contract or otherwise of subsurface conditions at said site. Additional aut hor - Naval Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : To continue con- ization. struction of the public works authorized by the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to proceed with the con- struction of certain public works at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and for other purposes," approved February 12, 1931 (46 Stat ., Post, p. 783 . 1091), the Secretary of the Navy is authorized to expend $1,000,000 from the naval hospital fund for the buildings, equipment, acces- sories, utilities, and appurtenances authorized by such Act, in addi- tion to the expenditures authorized from such fund by such Act Prooiao.

Provided, Tha t the limit of cost of such buil dings , equi pment , Llmitofcost reduced. accessories, utilities, and appurtenances is hereby reduced from, $3,000,000 to $2,250,000, and additional appropriations for such

work Amount from naval may be made from the naval hospital fund° to the extent that the hospital hind .

Secretary of the Navy may approve.