Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/469

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS . 318, 319 . J UNE 30, 1932 .

445 buildings (including quarters), fixtures, and fences ; for cleaning, repair, and upkeep of grounds and roads i furniture and furnishings for offices and quarters, gas, chemicals, paints, and stationery, includ- ing transmission of public documents through the Smithsonian exc han ge, fo rei gn pos tag e ; plants, seeds, arid fertilizers ; for fuel, oil, grease, pipe, wire, and other materials needed for the mainte- nance and repair of boilers, engines, heating apparatus, electric light- ing and power, and water supply ; purchase and maintenance of teams ; maintenance, repair, and operation of motor trucks and pas- senger automobiles, and of horse-drawn vehicles ; telegraph and tele- phone service ; and other absolutely necessary expenses, $25,000 . For the purchase and installation of equipment, utilities, and appurtenances for astrographic and research work and inoderniza- tion of the astronomical plant of the Naval Observatory, as author- ized by the Act approved June 11, 1930 (46 Stat., p . 556), $110,000, to be available immediately . For preparation for and observation of total solar eclipse of Au~gust 31, 1932, $4,000 . SEC . 2. No part of any money appropriated by this Act shall be used for maintaining, driving, or operating any Government-owned motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle not used exclusively for official purposes ; and " official purposes " shall not include the trans- portation of officers and employees between their domiciles and places of employment except in cases of medical offic ers on out-patie nt med- ical service a nd except in cas es of officers a nd employees eng aged in field work the character of whose duties makes such transportation necessary and then only as to such latter cases when the same is approved by the head of the department. This section shall not apply to any motor vehicle for official use of the Secretary of the Navy, and no other persons connected with the Navy Department or the naval serv ice, except the commander in chi ef of the United States Asiatic Fleet, Marine Corps officers serving with expeditionary forces in fore ign countries, a nd medical offic ers on out-patie nt med- ical se rvice, s hall hav e a Gove rnment-o wned mot or vehic le assig ned for their exclusive use . SEC . 3. No part of any appropriation made by this Act shall be su bsi ste nce res tri ct used to pay the actual expenses of subsistence in excess of $6 each tion . for any one calendar day or per diem allowance for subsistence in excess of the rate of $5 for any one calendar day to any officer or employee of the United Stat es in a travel s tatus, and payme nt accord- ingly shall be in full, notwithstanding any other statutory pro- vis ion . Approved, June 30, 1932 . Mis cel la neo us plies. sup. Astronomical plant. Modernization, etc . Vol. 46, p. 556. Observing solar ecli pse . Oovernmenfowned auto mobil es . Restricted to official purposes . Transportation be- twee n do micil e and place of employment. Exemptions. !CHAPTER 319.] AN ACT June 30, 1932. To authorize extensions of time on oil and gas prospecting permits, and for [ii. R . 11639 .1 other purposes .

[Public, No. 217.] g Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That any oil or as prospecting permit issued under the Act of February 25, 1920 41 Stat. 437), or extended und er the Act of January 11, 1 922 42 Stat. 356), or as further extended under the Acts of April 5, 1926 (44 Stat . 236) March 9, 1928 (45 Stat . 252), and the Act of January 23, 1930 (46 Stat . 58), may be extended by the Secretary of the Interior for an additional period of three years in his dis- cretio n, on such condi tions as he may prescribe . Oil and gas prospect- ing permits. Extensions of time on, aut horized . Vol. 41 p . 437; Vol. 42, p .356

Vol.44, p.236; Vol . 45, p. 252; Vol . 46, p. 58.