Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/49

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 12. FEBRUARY 2, 1932. .

25 Mi xed Claims C omm iss ion Uni ted States and Ger man -: For an Mixed Claims Com- f


mission, United States additional amount for expenses of determining the amounts of and Germany . claims against Germany by the Mixed Claims Commission estab- lished under the agre ement concluded between the United States and Germany on August 10, 192 2, and sub se que nt agreement betwe en th ose Go vernm ents, for the de termi natio n of t he am ount to be paid by Germany in satisfaction of the financial obligations of Germany un der the treaty concluded between the Governments of the United States and Germany on August 25, 1921, including the exp ense s wh ich under the terms of sued agreement of August 10, 1922, are chargeable in part to the United States, and the preparation of a final report by the American comm issi oner and the ord erly arrangement for preservation and disposition of the records of the commission ;-and the expenses of an agency of the United States to perform all necessary services in connection with the preparation of claims and the presentation thereof before said mixed commis- sion, and the preparation of a final report of the agent and the orde rly a rrange ment for p reser vation of t he re cords of th e age ncy and the disposition of property jointly owned by the two Govern- ments, including salaries of an agent and necessary counsel and othe r ass istant s and empl oyees , rent in t he Di strict of C olumb ia, employment of special counsel, translators, and other technical expert s, by co ntract, without regard t o the pro visions of any s tatute relative to employment, and far contract stenographic reporting services without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U. S . C . i title 41, sec . 5), law books and books of reference, print- ing and bind ing, cont ingent e xpenses, traveli ng expen ses and subsist- enc e or per di em in lieu of s ubsist ence (notw ithsta nding the pro- visions of the Subsistence Expense Act of 1926 or regulations pre- scribed pursuant thereto), and such other expenses in the United States and elsewhere as the President may deem proper, fiscal years 1932 and 1933, $65,500 . Gen era l and Spe cia l Claims Commissions, Uni ted States and Mexico : That not to exceed $50,000 of the appropriation of $367,000 for the General and Sp eci al Claims Commissions, United States and Mexico, contained in the State Department Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1932, shall be available for such expenses, in addi- ti on to those now enume rated in th e app ropri ation, as i n the dis- cretion of the Secretary of State may be necessary in closing up the aff airs of the agency of th e United States, includi ng expenses incurred on and aIter October 15, 1931 . TREASURY DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF TREASURER OF THE UNITED STATES OFF ICE OF THE SUP ERVISI NG ARCH ITECT Vol.42,p.2:90 . Vol.45,p.2691. Vol. 42, p . 1939. Final report . Employment of counsel, etc . R. S., sec. 3709, 733 . U.S.C.,p.1309. Printing and bind . ing. Tr aveli ng exp enses . Vol.44,p. 6S8. p. General a nd Special Claim s Commissions, United States and Mexico. Vol . 46, p. 1318. Additional am ount for closing up affairs . Treasury Depart- ment . Office of the Treas- urer. Sala ries : For an additional amount for salaries, Office of tht3 Treasurer of the United States, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act making appropriations for the Treasury D epartment for the fiscal year 193 2, $20,0 00 . Supervising Archi- tect's Office . Fort Worth, Texas, Narcotic Farm : For acquisition of site under Worth, Farm' Fort the authority of the Act entitled "An Act to establish two United orth, Acquisi tion otsite . States narcotic farms for the confinement and treatment of persons Vol . s .4c .psu~'V,p. addicted to the use of habit-forming narcotic drugs who have been 339. convicted of offenses against the United States, and for other pur- pose s," appr oved Jan uary 19, 1929 (U. S. C., Supp. V, sees. 222, 223), $164,780, to remain available until June 30, 1933. Salaries. Additional amount . Vol.46,p. 1222.