Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/494

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470 U. S. C., Supp. V. p. 655. Provisos . Attendance at me et- ings, etc. Ob jects desi gnate d . Services, rentals, etc . in the District and elsewhere. Transfer of efeots . Wearing apparel . Motor vehicles . Arlington Building . Transfer of funds to other departments. Farms, maintenance, etc . Recreational facili- ties . Vol. 45, p. 991. Funeral expenses . Provisos. Fund available for purchasing tobacco . Experiments in de- termining value of dif- ferent treatments . Use for new hospital sites, hospitals, etc ., forbidden . Amount for improve- ments, etc . 72d CONGRESS . SESS. I., CH. 330. JUNE 30, 1932. President to consolidate and coordinate governmental activities affecting war veterans," approved July 3, 1930 . (U. S. C ., Supp . IV title 38, sees. 11-11f), and any and all .laws for which the Veterans ; Administration is now or may hereafter be charged w ith adminis- terin g, $11 5,000, 000 : Provided, That not to exceed $3,500 of this amount shall be available for expenses, except membership fees, of employees detailed by the Administrator of Veterans ' Affairs to attend meetings of associations for the promotion of medical science and annual national conventions of organized war veterans Provided further, That this appropriation shall be available also for perso nal serv ices and renta ls i n the Dis tric t of Colu mbia and elsewhere, including traveling expenses ; examination of estimates of appropriations in the field including actual expenses of subsistence or per diem allowance in li eu thereof ; f or e xpe nses in curr ed in packing, crating, drayage, and transportation of household effects and other property, not exceeding in any one case five thou- sand poun ds, of e mploy ees when tran sferr ed f rom one o ffic ial s ta- tion to another for permanent duty and when specifically authorized by t he a dm in is tr ato r ; furnishing and laundering of such wearing apparel as may be prescribed for employees in the performance of their official duties ; purchase and exchange of law books, books of reference, periodicals, and newspapers ; for passenger-carrying and other motor vehicles, including purchase, maintenance, repair, and operation of same, including not more than two passenger automo-, biles for general administrative use of the bureau in the District of Columbia and three for the Washington, District of Columbia regional office ; for operating expenses of the Arlington Building and anne x, in clud ing repai rs a nd me chan ical equi pmen t, fu el, elect ric current, ice, ash removal, and miscellaneous items ; for allotment and transfer to the Public Health Service, the War, Navy, and Interior Departments, for disbursement by them under the various headings of their applicable appropriations, of such amounts as are necessary for t he car e and treatm ent o f bene ficiar ies of the V etera ns' Ad minis- tration, including minor repairs and improvements of existing facil- ities under their jurisdiction necessary`to such care and treatment ; for expenses incidental to the maintenance and operation of farms ; for recreational articles and facilities at institutions maintained by the Veterans' Administration ; 'for administrative expenses incidental to securing employment for war veterans ; for funeral, burial, and other expenses incidental ,thereto . fflx beneficiaries of the Veterans' Administration accruing during the fiscal year 1933 or prior fiscal years : Provided further, That the appropriations herein made for the care and maintenance of veterans in hospitals or homes under the jurisdiction of the Veterans' Administration shall be available for the purchase of tobacco to be furnished, subject to such regu- lations as the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs shall, prescribe, to veterans receiving hospital treatment or domiciliary care in Vet- erans' Administration hospitals or homes : Provided further, That the appropriations herein made for medical and hospital services under the jurisdiction of the Veterans' Administration shall be avail- able, not to exceed $15,000, for experimental purposes to determine the value of cer tain t ypes of tre atment . No part of this appropriation shall be expended for the purchase of any site for or toward the construction of any new hospital or home, or for the purchase of any hospital or home ; and not more than $5,030,023 of this appropriation may be used to repair, alter, imp rove, or provi de f acil ities in the s ever al ho spit als and h omes under the jurisdiction of the Veterans' Administration either by