Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/5

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS . vu Page . District of Columbia, duties of Commissioners . AN ACT To relieve t he Commissioners of the District of Columbia of certain ministerial duties February 11, 1932--

48 Bridge, Columbia River . AN ACT To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Columbia River at or near The Dalles, Oregon February 11, 1932__

48 Willamette River, improvements . AN ACT Autho rizin g the mod ifica tion of t he ex istin g project for the Willamette River between Oregon City and Portland, Oregon

February 11, 1932__

49 Bra zos Ri ver Har bor Nav igatio n Distr ict . AN ACT Authorizing the Secretary of War to reduce the penalty of the bond of the Brazos River Harbor Navigation District, of Brazoria County, Texas furnished as surety for its doing certain work on the im- provementofFreeportH'arbor,Texas February11,1932_-

49 Chippewa Indians in Minnesota. AN ACT Providing for payment of $25 to each enrolled Chippewa Indian of Minnesota from the funds standing to their credit in the Treasury of the United States February 12, 1932__

49 Skull Valley Indian Reservation, Utah . AN ACT To reserve certain land on the public domain in Utah for a ddition to the Skull Valley Indian a Rese rvation

February 12, 1932-_

50 District of Columbia, union labels. A N ACT To authorize associations of employees in the District of Columbia to adopt a device to designate the products of the labor of their members, to punish illegal use or imitation of such device, and for .other purposes

February 18, 1932_-

50 District of Columbia Commission, George Washington Bicentennial. AN ACT To pr ovide for the incorporation of the District of Columbia Commission, George Washington Bicente nnial February 18,1932__

51 Bridge, Missouri River . AN ACT To extend the time for the construction of abridge across the Missouri River at or near Poplar, Montana February 20, 1932-

52 Texas, southern judicial district. AN ACT To transfer Lavaca County fro m the Houston division to the Victori a division o f the south ern judicial district o f Texas

February 20, 1932-_

52 New Mexico, public lands. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to issue . patents for lands held under color of title February 23, 1932--

53 William Robert Smith Memorial . AN ACT Authorizing the William Robert Smith Memorial Association of El Paso, Texas, to construct a memorial in honor of William Robert Smith, former Member of Con gress f rom th e sixte enth di strict of Tex as

February 23, 1932__

53 Bridge, Susquehanna River . AN ACT Granting the consent of Congress to the Catawissa Railroad Company to reconstruct, maintain, and operate a railroad bridge across the Susquehanna River at or near Catawissa Pennsylvania February 23, 1932-_

53 Bridge, Pawcatuck River . AN ACT Authorizing the Rhode Island State Board of Public Roads and the State Highway Department of the State of Connecticut to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Pawcatuck River near the location of the present Broad Street Bridge between Westerly, Rhode Island, and Stonington, Connecticut February 23,1932__

54 Mississippi River improvements . JOINT RESOLUTION Amending section 1 of the Act entitl ed "An Act au thorizi ng the constr uction, repair , and preserv ation o f cert ain public work on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes," approved July 3 j ~1930, relating to the Mississippi River between the mouth of the Illinois River and Minne- a.polis : February 24,1932__

55 'Cache National Forest, Idaho, addition. A N ACT Authorizing an addition to the Cache Natio nal For est, I daho February 25 1932__

55 Federal Reserve System, facilities . A N ACT To improve the facilities of the Federal reserve system for th e serv ice of commerc e, ind ustry, and agr icultu re, to provide means for meeting the needs of member banks in exceptional circumstances and for other pur- poses lebruary 27, 1932__

56 Bridge, Pecatonica River . AN ACT Granting the consent of Congress to the State of Illinois to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Pecatonica River at Harrison in Winnebago County, State of Illinois February 29, 1932_ _

57 Bridge, Kankakee Liver . AN ACT Granting the consent of Congress to the State of Illinois to co nstruct , main tain, a nd oper ate a free hi ghway b ridge across the Kan kakee River at Momence, in Kankakee County, State of Illinois February 29, 1932__

58 Bridge, Fox River . AN ACT To extend the times for commencing and completing the con- struction of a free highway bridge across the Fox River at Algonquin, in McHenry County , State of I llinois Febru ary 2 9,t, 19 32__

58 Bridge, Tr inity River . AN ACT Granting authority to the Texas State Highway l ommis- sion to ma intain and ope rate, as cons tructed , a fr ee high way bri dge acr oss Tr inity River between the counties of Navarro and Henderson, in the State of Texas

February 29,1932_-

58 Bridge, Rock River . AN ACT Granting the consent of Congress to the State of Illinois to cons truct, mainta in, and opera te a fr ee high way br idge ac ross Ro ck Rive r at B yron, in Ogle County, State of Illinois February 29, 1932--

59 Bridge, Rock River . AN ACT Granting the consent of Congress to the State of Illinois to con- struct,t, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across Rock River at Oregon, in Ogle l ounty, State of Illinois February 29, 1932__