Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/517

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 361. JULY 1, 1932.

493 For the purchase of law books, including the exchange thereof, for United States -)udges, district attorneys, and other judicial officers including the libraries of the ten United States circuit courts oy appeals, for the purchase of the Federal Reporter and continua- tions thereto as issued, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General, $75,000 : Provided, That such books shall in all cases b e tran smitte d to t heir s uccess ors in office ; all books pur- chased thereunder to be marked plainly, "The pro_perty of the United States" : Provided further, That not to exceed $2 per volume shall be paid for the current and future volumes of the United States Code, Anno tated . PENAL AND COR RECTIONAL IN 8111U1ION8 Law books for Judi. cial ofoers . Federal Reporter . Praelsoe . 'trans mittal to eno eess„a . Price l imit fo r unite d States Code, annotated . Penal, eta ., institu. tions . For all services, supplies, materials, and equipment in connection serv ice a .suppnm,eta with or incident to the subsistence 'and care of p inmates and main- tenance and upkeep of Federal penal and correctional institutions, including farm and other operations not otherwise specifically pro- vided for in the discretion of the Attorney General ; gratuities for in mates at rel ease, provid ed suc h grat uities shall be fur nished to inmates sentenced for terms of imprisonment of not less than six mo nths, and tr anspor tation to th e plac e-of co nvicti on or bona f ide re sidence a t the tim e of conv iction or to such other pl ace withi n the United States as may be authorized by the Attorney General ; expenses of interment or transporting remains of deceased inmates to their homes in the United States ; maintenance and repair of pas- senger-carrying vehicles ; traveling expenses of institution officials and employees when,traveling on official duty, including expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the work of the several institutions when authorized by the Attorney General, and including e xpens es in curr ed in purs uing and ident ifyin g es caped inma tes ; traveling expenses of members of advisory boar authorized by law incurred in the discharge of their official duties ; rewards for the capture of escaped inmates ; newspapers, books, and periodicals ; firearms and ammunition ; tobacco for inmates ; and the purchase and exchange of farm products and livestock, when authorized by In erchc angeable ap. the Attorney General : Provided, That upon the written order of propria tions. the Attorney General not to exceed 10 per centum of the amounts herein appropriated under this heading, except the appropriations for construction and repair and working capital funds of penal and cor rectional institut ions and for suppo rt of Uni ted State s prisone rs, shall be available interchangeably_ for expenditures on the objects named, but the total of any appropriation shall not be increased b more than 10 per centum and under the following heads : Provide Prison commissaries . That any part of the appropriations under this heading used for payment of salaries of personnel employed in the operation of prison co mmiss arie s sha ll be reim burs ed fr om co mmis sary earni ngs, and such reimbursement shall be in addition to the amounts appropriated herein . Prison industries working capital fund : Prison industries working Prison industries capital fund, 1932 and prior years, is reappropriated and made avail- wRe app cap ita lifund . onnd ' able for the fiscal year 19 33, including payment of' obligations Vol . +e, p. 132'1. .incurred in prior years ; and the said working capital fund and all receipts credited thereto may be used as a revolving fwid for the re Re v ipts cr edited Lo fiscal year 1933, for the purposes authorized by the Act entitled "An Vol .4 6, .391 . Act to provide for the diversification of employment of Federal p.2198' ~' supp. V, priso ners for their tra ining and schooli ng in tra des and o ccupation s, and for other purposes," approved May 27, 1930 (U . S. C ., Supp . V, title 18, sees . 744d, 744e, 744f) .