Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/529

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72d CONGRESS. SESS . I. CH. 361. JULY 1, 1932 .

505 as may tend to encourage, improve , and cheapen construction and hou sing .

Testing machines for Testing machines : For maintenance and operation of testing physi cal c oasta nts= machines, including personal service in connection therewith in the District of Columbia and in the field, for the determination by the Bureau of Standards of the physical constants and the properties of materials as authorized by law, $45,000 . Investigation of fire-resisting properties : For investigation of ~s Fire-resisting g build. fire-resistmg properties of building materials and conditions under which they may be most efficiently used, and for the standardization of types of appliances for fire prevention, including personal serv- ices in the District of Columbia and in the field, $25,000 .

Public utility stand- Investigation of public-utility standards : For investigation of the eras, etc., standards of practice and methods of measurements of public utili- ti•ns° ties, such as gas, elec tric lig ht, elec tric powe r, water , telepho ne, cen- tral station heating, and electric-railway service, and the solution of the problems which arise in connection with standards in such service, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, $90,000 .

Testing miscellane Testing miscellaneous materials : For testing miscellaneous mate- ons't s , rials, such as varnish materials, soap materials, inks, and chemicals, including supplies for the Government departments and independent est ablish ments, inclu ding person al ser vices in the Dist rict o f Colu m- bia and in the field, as authorized by law, $40,000 .

Radio etsada rdiza - Radio research : For investigation and standardization of methods ti•n, and instruments employed in radio communication, including per- sonal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, $74,280 ; Industrial

color Col or st anda rdiza tion : To dev elop co lor sta ndar ds and meth ods ataa darai zatio n- of manufacture and of color measurements, with special reference to their industrial use in standardization and specification of colorants, such as dyestuffs, inks, and pigments, and other products, paint, paper, and textiles, in which color is a pertinent property, including ersonal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, $12,000 ; Inv estiga tion o f clay prod ucts : To study meth ods of measurement

y pr•aucte pry cases and technical processes used in the manufacture of pottery, brick, tile, terra cotta, and other clay products, and the study of the prop- erties of the materials used in that industry, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, $40,000

Standardizing mechanical appliances : To develop methods of mechanical appii- testing and standardizing machines, motors, tools, measuring instru- 8IITe~sting mechanical, ments, and other apparatus and devices used in mechanical, hy- hyut cdeiceseto acre. draulic, and aeronautic engineering ; for the comparative study of types of apparatus and methods of operation, and for the establish- ment of standards of performance ; for the accurate determination of fundamental physical constants involved in the proper execution of this work ; and for the scientific experiments and investigations needed in solving the problems which may arise in connection there- with, especially in response to the requirements of aeronautics and aviat ion for infor mati on of a p urely sci enti fic n atur e, in clud ing persona l servic es in the Distric t of Col umbia and in the field, $ 40,000

'optical glass produo . Investigation of optical and other types of glass : For the investi- tion problems. gation of the problems involved in the production of optical and other types of glass, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, $22,000 ; Investigation of textiles : To investigate textiles, paper, leather, st ndardizattiion paper eto., and rubber in order to develop standards of more durable quality and methods of measurement, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, $50,000 ; i