Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/532

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508 Transfer of funds to credit of bureau . Attendance at meet- ings, etc. Services in the Dis- trict. 72d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 361 . JULY 1, 1932 . with the approval of the Secretary of Co mmerce, transfer to the Bureau of Standards such sums as may be necessary to carry on such investigations. The Secretary of the Treasury shall transfr on the books of the Treasury Department any sums which may be author- ized hereunder, and such amounts shall be placed to the credit of the Bureau of Standards for performance of work for the . depart- ment or establishment from which the transfer is made, including, where necessary, compensation for personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field ; Appropriations herein made for the Bureau of Standards shall be available for expenses of attendance at meetings co ncerned with standardization and research, or either, when incurred on the writ- ten autho rity of the S ecre tary of C ommer ce, and for t he c ompen sa- tion and expenses of medical officers of the Public Health Service detailed to the Bureau of Standards for the purpose of maintaining a first-aid station and making clinical observations ; Total, Bureau of Standards, $2,137,280, of which amount not to exceed $1,800,664 may be expended for personal services in the Dis- trict of Columbia . Lighthouses Bureau .

BUREAU OF LIGHTHOUSES Commissioner, and Salaries : For the commissioner and other personal services in the off ice pe rsonne l .

District of Columbia, $110,000 . osneralexpenses.

General expenses : For supplies, including replacement of and Objects specified- necessary additions to existing equipment, repairs, maintenance, and incid enta l ex pense s of ligh thou ses a nd o ther ligh ts, beaco ns, buoyage, fog signals, lighting of rivers heretofore authorized to be lighted, light vessels, other aids to navigation, and lighthouse tenders, including the establishment, repair, and improvement of beacons and day marks, and purchase of land for sam e ; es ta b li sh - oi l, ate ., houses .

ment of post lights, buoys, submarine signals, and fog signals ; provisos.

establishment of oil or carbide houses, not to exceed $10,000 : Pro- Limit for buildings . vided, That any oil or carbide house erected hereunder shall not exceed $1,000 in cost ; construction of necessary outbuildings at a cost not exceeding $1,000 at any one light station in any fiscal year ; Restoring estoring stations, improvement of grounds and buildings connected with light stations et and depots ; restoring light stations and depots and buildings con- Limitation on use. nected therewith : Provided further, That such restoration shall be limited to the original purpose of the structures ; wages of persons attending post lights ; temporary employees and field force while engaged on works of general repair and maintenance, and laborers Rations, etc . and mechanics at lighthouse depots ; rations and provisions or com- mutat ion th ereof for wo rking parti es in the fi eld, o ffice rs and crews of light vessels and tenders, and officials and other authorized . persons of the Lighthouse Service on duty on board of such tenders or vessels, and money accruing from commutation for rations and provisions for the above-named persons on board of tenders and light vessels or in working parties in the field may be paid on proper vouchers to the person having charge of the mess of such vessel or Transferring house- party ; not exceeding $2,000 for packing, crating, and transporting hold effects on change pers onal hous ehol d eff ects of e mplo yees when tra nsfer red from one of station . official station to another for permanent duty ; purchase of rubber boots, oilskins, rubber gloves, and coat,-, caps, and aprons for stewards' departments on vessels ; reimbursement under rules pre- scribed by the Secretary of Commerce of keepers of light stations and masters of light vessels and of lighthouse tenders for rations Relief of shipwrecked and provisions and clothing furnished ship-wrecked persons who persons .

may be temporarily provided for by them, not exceeding in all