Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/548

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524 Proviso . Interstate bridges. Tol ls adjusted to maintenance , amortiz- ing costs, etc . Tolls to continue until costs amortized . Adjustment in rates . July 1, 1932. [H. R.7793 .1 [Public, No .234.1 Immigratio n Act of 1924, amendment . - Vol.43,p*162; U.S. C.~ p.148. Maintenanvp, of ex- empt status . Employees, etc. of foreign government of- ficials . Students . Vol .43,p .164;U.8, C.,p. 144. Bo nd . 72d CONG RESS . SESS. I. CHS. 362, 363 . JULY 1, 1932 . practicable, and may also unite or group for financing purposes in any one issue of bonds such interstate bridges as the West N irginia Bridge Commission shall determine to be competitive, but no par- ticular project or group shall be so united that any such project or groe p will include both interstate and intrastate bridges : Provided, however, That the bridges herein authorized to be acquired across the Ohio River from the city of Wheeling, West Virginia, to an island in the Ohio River, constituting territory of the State of West Virginia, may be-included in the same group or groups as the respective connecting bridges from such island to a point in Ohio shall be included, and when sufficient revenues shall have been determined to be available from the collection of tolls on the bridges terminating in the State of Ohio to pay interest and maintenance charges and to provide a sinking fund ample to retire the bonds at maturity as issued for the acquirement of all said bridges, the com- mission is authorized to make free of tolls the bridges between the city of Wheeling proper and Wheeling Island . "If tolls are charged for the use of a bridge or bridges in a project, the rates of toll to be cha rged for the use o f such br idge or b ridges embraced in the pa rticular project s hall be s o adjuste d as to p rovide a fund not to exceed an amount sufficient to pay the reasonable cost of maintaining, repairing, and operating the bridge or all of the bridges i ncluded i n the par ticular p roject an d their a pproaches under economical management, and not to exceed an amount sufficient in addition to the foregoing, to provide a sinking fund sufficient to amortize the aggregate cost of the bridge or all of the bridges embraced in the particular project, and their approaches, including reasona ble in terest and f inanci ng cos ts, as soon a s poss ible u nder reasonable charges, but within a period not exceeding twenty-five years from the date of approval of this Act . The tolls derived from the bridge or bridges embraced in any particular project may be continued and paid into the appropriate sinking fund until all such co sts of the b ridges embra ced in the pa rticul ar pro ject s hall have been amortized . In any event tolls may be charged on the basis aforesaid for transit over the bridge or bridges in each project for which revenue bonds of said State are issued, and such tolls may be continued and adjusted at such rates as may be necessary to pay such bonds with interest thereon and any lawful premium for the retirement thereof before maturity, subject only to the power of the Secretary of War or other authorized Federal authority to regulate such rates ." App roved, July 1, 193 2 . (CHAPTER 363 .1 AN ACT To secure the departure of certain aliens from the United States . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 15 of the Immigration Act of 1924 be amended to read as follows "The admission to the United States of an alien excepted from the class of immigrants by clause (1) (except a Government official and his family), (2), (3), (4), (5), or (6) of section 3, or declared to be a nonquota immigrant by subdivision (e) of section 4, shall be for such time as may be by regulations prescribed, and under such conditions as may be by regulations prescribed (including, when deemed necessary for the classes mentioned in clause (2), (3), (4), or (6) of section 3 and subdivision (e) of section 4, the giving of . bond with sufficient surety, in such sum and containing such condi-