Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/557

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 364. J ULY 1, 1932 . fiscal year 1933, $550, payable from funds on deposit to the credit of such pueblo . Picuris Pueblo, New Mexico : For purchase of fa rm equipment for the Picuris Pueblo, New Mexico, fiscal year 1933, $2,500, payable from funds on deposit to the credit of such pueblo . Indians of cer tain pueblos, New Mexico : To reimburse app ropri ations for " Indu stry Amo ng I ndia ns," fis cal years 1931 and 1932, for expenditures made therefrom in the purchase of farm equipment for Indians of pueblos in New Mexico hereinafter nam ed, the following sums are hereby made available from funds heretofore appropriated for payment to the respective pueblos for damages for loss of lands and water rights : San Juan, $2,500 ; Santo Domingo, $1,500 ; and Cochiti, $2,500 ; in all, $6,500 . Industry among ndians : Not m ore than $ 50,000 of the appropriation of 475,000 contained in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1933, for encouraging industry and self-support among Indians, is hereby made available for the purchase of sheep for the Jicarilla Indians, New Mexico, to replace losses occasioned by reason pf storms during the winter of 1931 aiid 1932 : Provided, That expenditures hereunder shall be reimbursed to the United States from future accruals to Jicarilla tribal funds : Provided further, That purchase of sheep under this authorization may be made without c ompliance with the requi rements of Section 3709 of the Revised Statutes . Z uni Indian Reservation, New Mexico : For an additional amount for the construction, repair, and maintenance of irrigation systems, and for purchase or rental of irrigation tools and appliances, water rights, ditches, and lands necessary for irrigation purposes for Indian reservations, as follows : Zuni, New Mexico, fiscal years 1932 and 1933, $11,000, reimbursable . Crow Indian Reservation, Montana : The unexpended balance of the a pprop riatio n of $19,8 40 co ntaine d in the I nterio r Dep artme nt Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1932, for payment to or cooperation with an irrigation district formed for the purpose of reclaiming seeped areas under the Two Leggins unit, Crow Indian irrigation project, Montana, embracing approximately one thousand two hun- dred an d forty acres of trust pa tent Ind ian land , is her eby cont inued available for the same purposes until June 30, 1933 . Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Montana : The paragraph under the h eadin g Bure au of Indi an Af fairs, Irri gatio n and Drain age, in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1933, 'read- ing " Fo r imp rovem ent, mainte nance , and opera tion, $41, 000 (r eim- bursable)" is hereby amended to read "For improvement, main te- nance, and operation of the irrigation systems, Blackfeet Reser- vation, Montana, $41,000 (reimbursable) ." Paiute Indian lands, N evada : For p aym ent to -th e Truckee- Carson irrigation district, Fallon, Nevada, the proportionate share of the benefits received by four thousand eight hundred and seventy- seven and three-tenths irrigable acres of Paiute Indian lands within the Newlands irrigation project, for necessary repairs to the Truckee Canal to restore said canal to its original capacity, as authorized by the Act of June 27, 19 30 (46 Stat . 820), fiscal year 1931, $100 ; fiscal year 1932, $200 ; fiscal year 1933, $200 ; in all, $500 . Tuition of Indian children in public schools : For an additional amount for payment of tuition of Indian children attending in public schools, fiscal year 1932, $62,900 : Provided, T hat pa yme nts may be made from this appropriation for tuition of pupils attending public schools under contracts heretofore entered into for the fiscal year 1932. Picuris Pueblo , N. Mex . F arm equ ipme nt . New Mexi co, pue b. los . Fam equipment . Vol .

pp . 288, 1122. Industry among Indi ans . Ante, p . 97. Purchase of sheep for Jicarilla Indians, New Mexico . Provisos. - - Repayment. Purchase without adve rtising . - R.B

, sec

.3709,p.733. U.t3.C.,p.1309. Zu ni, N. Mex . Irrig ation, etc . Crow, Mont . Ba lanc e av aila ble . vol . 40, p. 1127. Blackfeet, Mont. Ante, p.101. Truckee-Carson ir ri- gation district, Nevada. Paying charges on Pai ute Ind ian lands . Vol.46,p. 820. Indian pupils in public schools . Proviso . Contracts. 533 i