Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/572

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548 Au di ted claims- Continued . Interior. DePartment of the Department of Jus- tice. Navy Department . Post Office Depart . mont. Department of State . Treasury Depart- me nt . War Department . 72d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 364. 'JULY 1, 1932. DE PARTMENT OF THE I NTERIOR For support and civilization of Indians, $11 .75 . For conservation of health among Indians, $49 .58 . DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Fo r sala ries, f ees, an d expe nses of marsha ls, Un ited St ates co urts, $345 .46 . For fees of commissioners, United States courts, $734 .40. For United States penitentiary, Atlanta, Georgia, $1 .90. NAVY DEPARTMENT For transportation, Bureau of Navigation, $236 .36. For organizing the Naval Reserve, 111 .82. For engineering, Bureau of Engineering, $6 .50. For pay, subsistence, and transportation, Navy, $3,457 .38. For pay of the Navy, $3,438 .11 . For freight, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $128 .34. For pay, Marine Corps, $1,059 .39. For general expenses, Marine Corps, $107 .16 . POST OFF ICE DEPA RTMENT-P OSTAL SER VICE (Out of the po stal re venues ) For balances due foreign countries, $2,456 .04. For clerks, first and second class post offices, $1 .27. For clerks , third-class post o ffices, $251 . 17 . For compensation to postmasters, $63 .66 . For freight, express, or motor transportation of equipment, and so forth, $8 .63. For indemnities, domestic mail, $287 .01 . For indemnities, international mail, $25 .70 . For railroad transportation and mail messenger service, $29 .17 . For unusual condi tions a t post office s, $150 . DEPARTMENT OF STATE For contingent expenses, United States consulates, $14 .81 . For immigration of aliens, Department of State, $13 .14. TREAS URY D EPART MENT For stationery, Treasury Department, $2 .91 . For collecting the war revenue, $7 .55 . For enforcement of Narcotic and National Prohibition Acts, internal revenue, $250 .32 . For Coast Guard, $266 .12 . For pay and allowances, Coast Guard, $1,536 .77 . For operating supplies for public buildings, $8.40. WAR DEPARTMENT For pay, and so forth, of the Army, $11,212 .34 . For pay of the Arlny, $2,369 .10. For pay, and so forth, of the Army, war with Spain, $3 .47. For increase of compensation, Military Establishment, $273 .14 . For mileage of the Army, $25 .50 . For arrears of pay, bounty and so forth, $6 .84. For Army transportation, 520 .58 . For barrAks and quarters, $910 .