Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/577

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72d CON GRESS . SESS. I. CH. 366. JULY 1, 1932.

553 $5 per annum. No license shall issue hereunder without the approval condition . of the fire marshal of the District of Columbia . " PAR . 16 . Owners or proprietors of abattoirs or slaughterhouses, Abattoirs. whatsoever name called, shall pay a license fee of $100 per annum . Wlicense shall issue hereunder except with the appr oval of the condition health officer of the District of Columbia and a compliance with e xisti ng law s conc erning locat ion . "PAR. 1 7 . (a) Owners or managers of laundries operated other Lsnn dries . than by hand power shall pay a license fee of $18 per annum . s "(b) Owners or managers of laundries operated by hand power hall p ay a license fee of $5 per annum . "(c) Owners or managers of dry cleaning or dyeing establishments lismen+se culag esta b , shall pay a license fee of $5 per annum . "PAR. 18 . (a) Persons engaged in the business of manufacturing t Mattress ma nu ts- or renovating mattresses shall pay a license fee of $75 per annum. "(b) Owners or managers of establishments where mattresses are Storage, etc° stored, sold, or kept for sale, shall pay a license fee of $10 per annum. "(c) Within the meaning of this paragraph, `mattress' shall be "Mss," defined . deemed to include `any quilt, comfort, pad, pillow, cushion, or bag stuffed with hair, down, feathers, wool, cotton, excelsior, jute, or any other soft material and designed for use for sleeping or reclining pur~o , ses.' "YAR. 19. Proprietors of slot weighing machines or slot machines Slo t mac hines . used for disp ensi ng fo odst uffs or r efres hmen ts o il any kind, shall pap a license fee of $2 per annum for each such machine . `PAR. 20 . (a) Owners or managers of theaters having a stage and Theaters . movable scenery, used for the purpose of acting, pe rforming, or d laying in any play, farce, interlude, opera, or other theatrical or ramatic performance, or any scene, section, or portion of any play, farce, burlesque, or drama of any description, for profit or gain, shall pay a license fee of $50 per annum . "(b Owners or managers . of theaters in which moving pictures teMoving pictnrethea* are displayed, for profit or gain, shall pay a license fee of $30 per annum . "(c) Owners or managers of buildings in which skating rinks, Skating rinks, etc. fairs, carniva ls, balls , dances , exhibi tions, le ctures, or entert ainments of any description are conducted, for profit or gain, shall pay a license fee of $8 per annum : Provided, That for entertainments, Concerts, etc ., for concerts, or performances of any kind where the proceeds are charitable purposes. intended for church or charitable purposes, and where no rental is charged, no license shall be required . "PAR. 21. Owners or managers of establishments where bowling sowiingaueys etc . alleys, billiard or pool tables, or any table, alley, or board upon Vol. 2s, p. 594 . which legitimate games are played, shall, when they are operated or conducted for public use, or for profit or gain, pay a license tax of $12 per annum for each such alley, board, or table . No license shall Condition . issue hereunder without the approval of the major and superin- tendent of police : Provided, That in case of refusal of said major Apopeeal to commas- and superintendent to approve said license, or upon written protest sioners . of a majority or more of the property owners or residents of the bloc k in . which it is propos ed to grant such licens e, an appea l may be taken to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, whose deci- sion shall be final . All' establishments licensed hereunder shall be C losin g hour s. closed during the entire twenty-four hours of each and every Sunday and between the hours of one o'clock antemeridian and eight o'clock antemeridian on the secular days of the week .