Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/608

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72d CON GRESS . SESS. I. CH. 430 . JULY 5,1932 . Expenses of seizures, or any other conveyance seized under the provisions of the customs under custo ms law s. laws, when the proceeds of sale are insufficient therefor or where Services in the Dis- there is no sale, and $480,000 shall be available for personal services trField details. i n the District of Columbia exclusive of ten persons from the field Vol. 46, p. 741. force authorized to be detailed under section 525 of the Tariff Act Pro°i8os .

of 1930 : Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be Motor vehicle restric- tion.

expended for maintenance or repair of motor-propelled passenger- carrying vehicles for use in the District of Columbia except one for use in connection with the work of the customhouse in Georgetown International boun- Prov ided fur ther , That not to exceed $6,1000 of this appropriation dart', SanYsidro, Calif . s is hereby made immediately available for the construction of gates sum for gates across at the international boundary across the highway at the port of highway.

San Ys idro, Califo rnia . Surveyors of customs Th e offices of surve yors of c ustoms (e xcept th e surveyo r of cust oms ch and e, ~ °f mer- at the Port -of New York) and appraisers of merchandise (except Offices abolished ; ex- the appraiser of merchandise at the Port of New York), twenty-one c eptions . i n all, with annual salaries aggregating $102,000, are hereby abol- Duties transferred . ished . The duties imposed by law and regulations upon surveyors Vol . 46, p . 729, amend- ed. and appraisers of customs, their assistants and deputies (except the surveyor and the a ppraiser, their as sistants and deput ies at th e Port of New York) are hereby transferred to, imposed upon, and con- tinued in positions now established in the Customs Service by or pursuant to law, as the Secretary of the Treasury by appropriate Pos iti ons to be des ig- regulation shall specify ; and he is further authorized to designate nated. the titles by which such positions shall be officially known hereafter . The Secretary of the Treasury, in performing the duties imposed upon him by this paragraph shall administer the same in such a creation of new, for- bidden .

manner that the transfer of d duties provided hereby will not result in the establishment of any new positions in the Customs Service . Bureau of the Bud- get . Director, Assistant, personnel, and other ex- penses . Printing and bind- ing. Federal Farm Loan Burea u. BU REAU OF THE BUDGET Director, $10,000 ; for the Assistant Director, and all other neces- sary expenses of the bureau, including compensation of attorneys and other employees in the District of Columbia ; contract steno- graphic reporting services, telegrams, telephone service, law books, books of reference , periodi cals, sta tionery, furniture , office equip- ment, oth er suppli es, trave ling expe nses, str eet-car f ares, $14 8,000 ; in all, $158,000 . For printing and binding, $32,000 . FEDERAL FA RM LOAN BUREAU SALARIES AND EXPENSES Members

board, off ice


For six members of the board, at $10,000 each ; personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field ; traveling expenses of Contingent expenses . the members of the board and its officers and employees ; contingent and miscellaneous expenses, including law books, books of reference, periodicals, newspapers, and maps ; contract stenographic reporting service s, and exper t serv ices f or the prepar ation of amo rtizat ion tables ; examination of national farm loan associations ; and for the services in the Dis- expenses of registrars' offices, including rent and miscellaneous items ; trict .

in all, $950, 000, o f whic h not more t han $41 0,000 may be used for Ea °vU mi°ners' expens es Personal services in the District* of Columbia : Provided, That the to be assessed a gainst amount of the expenses 'and salaries of the employees engaged in land banks, etc . the work of the division of examinations of the Federal Farm Loan Bureau shall be assessed in accordance with the provisions of exist- ing law by the Federal Farm Loan Board against Federal . land