Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/611

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 430. JULY 5,1932 . pursuant to the Act of March 3 1927 (U. S. C., Supp. V title 5, sees. 281-281e), and the Act of Tune 14, 1930 (U. S. C., gupp. V, title 5, sets . 282-282c), including the employment of executive officers, attorneys, agents, inspectors, chemists, supervisors, clerks, messen- gers, and other necessary employees in the field and in the Bureau of Narcotics in the District of Columbia, to be appointed as author- ized by law ; the securing of evidence of violations of the Acts ; the costs of chemical analyses made by others than employees of the United States ; the purchase of such supplies, equipment, mechanical devices, books, and such other expenditures as may be necessary in the several field offices ; cost incurred by officers and employees of the Bureau of Narcotic s in the seizure, storage, and dispo sition of prop- erty un der th e inte rnal r evenue laws when th e same is di sposed of under section 3460, Revised Statutes (U . S. C ., title 26, sec . 1193) ; hire, mai ntenance, repair, and opera tion of m otor-prop elled or horse- drawn passenger-carrying vehicles when necessary for official u se in field work ; and for rental of necessary quarters ; in all $1 ,52 5,0 00, of which amount not to exceed $203,120 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia :Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury may authorize the use, by narcotic agents of motor vehicles confiscat ed under the provi sions of the Act o f March 3 , 1925 (U . S . C., title 27, sec . 43) as amended, and to pay the cost of acqui- sition, maintenance, repair, and operation thereof : Provided further, That no t exce eding $10,00 0 may be exp ended f or the colle ction and dissemination of information and appeal for law observance and law enforcement, including cost of printing, purchase of newspapers, and other necessary expenses in connection therewith : Provided further That moneys expended from this appropriation for the purchase of narcotics and subsequently recovered shall be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the appropriation for enforcement of the narcotic Acts current at the time of the deposit . COAST GUARD r, 587 4 VoL 44, p. 1881 ; Vol. 6q. 58 6. B. C., Supp. V, p.22. Executive officers , personnel, etc . Securing evidence of law violations . Chemical analyses . seizures, etc . R. S., sec. 3460, p. 68b, U.S.C .,p . 846, Pro dsoa . Use of forfeited vehl . cles, etc. Vol.43,p.1116. U.B.C.,P.858. Collecting, etc ., law observance informa- tion . Credits for sums ex- panded, etc. Coast G uard . . Off ice of the commandant : For personal services in the District of Columbia, $372,000. The services of skill ed drafts men and s uch other technica l service s Te~hnlcal services. as the Secretary of the Treasury may dee m necessary may be employed only in the office of the Coast Guard in connection with the construction and repair of Coast Guard vessels and b oats, to be paid from the appropriation " Repairs to Coast Guard vessels " : Provided, That the expenditures on this account for the fiscal year 1933 shall not exceed $12,100 . A statement of the ersons employed hereunder their duties, and the compensation paid to each shall be made to dongress each year in the Budget . For every ex penditure requisit e for and incident to the a uthorized work of the Coast Guard, including , the expense of maintenance repair, and operation of vessels forfeited to the United States and delivered to the Treasury Department under the terms of the Act approved March 3, 1925 (U. S . C ., title 27 sec . 41), the purchase of one motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle, including the value . of any vehicle exchanged, and the maintenance, repair, and operation of two such vehicles, to be used only for official purposes in the field, as follow s For pay a nd all owance s pres cribed bylaw for co mmissi oned officers . ~~att cc. o cersend cadets, warrant officers, petty officers, and other enlisted men, active and retired, temporary cooks, surfmen, substitute surfmen, and two civilian instructors, and not exceeding $6,000 for cash prizes for men for excellence in gunnery, target practice, gi,4 engineering com- Of$ce personneL , Proviso . Limitation . Report to Congress . Service expenditure . Vol.43,p. 1116. U. S. C.,P. 858.