Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/625

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72d CONGRESS. SESS . I. CH. 430. JU LY 5,1932 .

601 special arrangement in freight trains or otherwise : P ro vi de d fu rt he r, That separate accounts be kept of the amount expended for mail- messenger service : Provided further, That there may be expended from this appropriation for clerical and other assistance in the District of Columbia not exceeding the s um of $ 82,0 00 t o ca rry out the provisions of section 5 of the Act of July 28, 1916 (U. S. C., ti tl e 39 , se c . 562) (the space basis Act), and not exceeding the sum of $40,400 to carry out the provisions of section 214 of the Act of February 28, 1925 (U . S . C ., titre 39, sec. 826) (cost ascertainment) . Railway Mail Service : For fifteen division superintendents, fi f- 1cRailway Mail Serve teen assistant division superintendents, two assistant superintendents Division super- at large, one assistant superintendent in charge of car construction, intendents . one hundred and twenty-one chief clerks, one hundred and twenty- one assistant chief clerks, clerks in charge of sections in the offices of division superintendents, railway postal clerks, substitute railway postal clerks, joint employees, and laborers in the Railway Mail Service, $58,430,000 .

Travel allowance to For travel allowance to railway postal clerks and substitute rail- darksv way postal clerks, $3,900,000 .

Ezpenacis, away from For actual and necessary expenses, general superintendent and headquarters . assis tant gen eral sup erin tend ent, div isio n su peri nten dent s, assistant division superintendents, assistant superintendents, chief clerks, and assistant chief clerks, Railway Mail Service, and railway postal clerks, while actually traveling on business of the Post Office Depart- ment and away from their several designated headquarters, $60,000 . For rent, light, heat, fuel, telegraph, miscellaneous and offi ce expenses, telephone service, badges for railway postal clerks, for the purchase or rental of arms and miscellaneous items necessary for tecca - for mail pro- the protection of the mails, and rental of space for terminal railway offiRe t, etc ., terminal post offices for the distribution of mails when the furnishing of space for such distribution can not, under the Postal Laws and Regulations, properly be required of railroad companies without additional compensation, and for equipment and miscellaneous items necessary to terminal railway post offices, $1,100,000 . Elec tric For electric and cable service, $500,000 .

Cars . For transportation of foreign mails by steamship, aircraft, or voii 4l m ailss ; vol otherwise, including the cost of advertising in connection with the 45, p. 689. award of contracts authorized by the Merchant Marine Act of 1928 supp. V, p. &5°' 1637 . (U. S. C., title 46, secs. 861-889 ; Supp . V, title 46, sets . 886-891x), $38,695,600 : Provided, That not to exceed $7,000,000 of this sum may be expended for carrying foreign mail by aircraft under con- tracts which will not create obligations for the fiscal year 1934 in excess of $7,000,000 : Provided further, That the Postmaster General is authorized to expend such sums as may be necessary, not to exceed $250,000 to cover the cost to the United States for maintaining sea post service on ocean steamships conveying the mails to and from the United States and not to exceed $3,600 for the salary of the Assis- Inta A aaonat D 'P for tant Director, Division of International Postal Service, with head- Service Division . quarters at New York City .

Bala nces due for eign For balances due foreign countries, $1,400,000 .

countries. For travel and miscellaneous expenses in the Postal Service, office Travel,etcf of the Second Assistant Postmaster General, $1,200 . For the inland transportation of mail by aircraft, under contract la a TarmstroBot (talk) contract, in- as authorized by law, and for the incidental expenses thereof, includ- ing not to exceed $30,000 for supervisory officials and clerks at air mail transfer points, and not to exceed $41,780 for personal services in the District of Columbia and incidental and trav el e xpen ses, $19,460,000 . Messenger service ac- counting . Services in the D is- trict . Vol. 39, p. 429; Vol. 43, p. 1069. U. S. C., pp. 1269, 1286 . Misc ella neou s . and cable Proviso . Airc raft all owan ce. Sea post ser vice . I