Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/651

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72d CONGR ESS . SESS. I. CH. 443. JULY 7, 1932.

627 Aerial fire control : For cooperation with the War Department, Aerial fire control or for contract airplane service, in the maintenance and operation of an airplane patrol to prevent and suppress forest fires on national forests a nd adjace nt lands, $25,000 : Provided, That no part of thi s appropr iation shall be us ed for the p urchase of la nd or airpla nes . Cl ass ifi cat ion of la nds : For the sele ction, classific ation, and segre - gation of lands within the boundaries of national forests that may be opened to homestead settlement and entry under the homestead laws applicable to the national forests ; for the examination and appraisal of lands in effecting exchanges authorized by law and for the sur vey th ereof by met es and bound s or ot herwis e, by employ ees of the Forest Servi ce, un der th e dire ction o f the Commis sioner of the General Land Office ; and for the survey and platting of certain lands, chiefly valuable for agriculture, now listed or to be listed within the national forests, under the Act of June 11, 1906 (U . S. C., title 16, sees . 506-509), the Act of August 10, 1912 (U. S. C., title 16, sec . 506), and the Act of March 3, 1899 (U. S. C. title 16, sec. 488), as provided by the Act of March 4, 1913 (U. C ., title 16, sec . 512), $32,770 . Sanitatioii and fire prevention : For the construction and main- tenance of sanitary facilities and for fire-preventive measures on public camp grounds within the national forests when necessary for the protection of the public health or the prevention of forest fires, $67,000 . Planting on national forests . For the establishment and main- tenance of forest-tree nurseries, the collection or purchase of tree seed, cones, and nursery stock, and seeding and tree planting within national forests ; for additional protection, care ? and improvement of plantations or young growth ; and for experiments and investi- gations necessary for seeding and tree planting, $154,200 . Reconnaissance, national forests : For estimating and appraising timber and ot her re source s on t he nat ional f orests preli minary to disposal by sale or to the issue of occupancy permits, and for emer- gency expenses incident to their sale or use, $77,860. Improvement of the nations forests : For the construction and maintenance of roads, trails, bridges, fire lanes, telephone lines, cabins, fences, and other improvements necessary for the proper and economical administration, protection, and development of the national forests, $1,019,640, of which amount $100,000 is reserved for expen ditur e for the Ange les, Clev eland , San ta Ba rbar a, an d San Bernardino National Forests in southern California : Provided, That such sum of $100,000 shall not be expended unless an equal amount is contributed for such work by State, county, municipal, and/or other local interests, to be paid, in whole or in part, in advance of the per forman ce of the wo rk for which this a ppropr iation provi des : Provided further, That where, in the opinion of the Secretary of Agriculture, direct purchase will be more economical than construc- tion, t elepho ne lin es, ca bins, fences , and o ther i mprove ments may be purchased : Provided further, That not to exceed $116,000 may be expended for the construction and maintenance of boundary and range division fences, counting corrals, stock driveways and bridges, the development of stock watering places, and the eradica- . e racato on tion of poisonous plants on the national orests : Provided further, That not to exceed $1,000 of this appropriation may be used for the MT h at Cass repair and maintenance of the dam at Cass Lake, Minnesota . Proviso . Purchase forbidden. Selecting, etc., lands for homestead entries, etc . surveying, etc ., agri. cultural lands fn national forests . Vol . 30, p. 1097; Vol. 34, P. 233; Vol. 37, pp. 287, 842. U.S.C ., pp . 421-424 . Public camp-ground facilities. Seeding, tree plant. ing, etc. Appraising t imb er, etc ., for sale . Permanent improve. .ants . Amountsforsouthern California fo rests . Provisos. Local contr ibutions required. Purchase of tale. phone lines, etc . Division fences, stock driveways, watering places, etc. pla nts Lak e, I