Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/686

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I . CHS. 479, 480 . JULY 14, 1932 . of t hem, o r any inform ation in rel ation t o said drawi ng or prizes or any of them, of the price of the ticket, show, or chance therein, or where any ticket may be obtained, or in any way aiding or assist- ing in the same, or in anywise giving publicity to such lottery or scheme of chance, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $1,000, or be imprisoned in jail not exceeding one year, or both, at the diser etion of the court ." SEC . 4 . That section 6 of Act Canal Commission Numbered 3, August 22, 1904, is hereby amended to read as follows teep ra tin aof tot- "SEC . 6 . Whoever shall cause to be brought within the said Canal Zone, from abroad, for the purpose of disposing of the same, or depositing the same therein, for the purpose of having them disposed of within said Canal Zone, any papers, certificates, or instruments pur porting t o be or t o represe nt a tick et, chanc e, share, or inter est in or dep endent upon the ev ent of a lot tery, p olicy- lotter y, gif t concert, or other enterprise offering prizes dependent upon lot or chance ; or shall cause any advertisement of any such lottery, policy- lottery, gift concert, or other enterprise offering prizes dependent upon lot or chance to be brought within the said Canal Zone, or deposited in or circulated in said Canal Zone, shall be punished for the first offense by a fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment in jail not more than one year or both, in the discretion of the court ; and for the second or subsequent offenses, by both fine and ir e riso nment ." sectiensrepealed .

SEC. 5. That sections 7, 8, and 9 of Act Canal Commission Num- bered 3, August 22, 1904, be, and they are hereby, repealed . SEC . 6. That section 10 of Act Canal Commission Numbered 3, August 22, 1904, is hereby amended to read as follows purposes for charitable "SEC. 10 . The governor may issue a permit for conducting a raffle or gift enterprise whenever it shall appear to him after proper inves- tigation that the gross proceeds of said enterprise are to be used for charitable purposes, and when such permit shall have been issued by the gover nor the p receding sections of this A ct shall not apply ." App roved , Jul y 14, 1932 . [C HAPTER 480 .1

AN ACT July 14, 1932 .

[H. R.9590.1 To amend the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the collection and publication [Public, No . 284.1

of statistics of tobacco by the Department of Agriculture," approved Janu- ary 14, 1929. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Toba cco ae~ statistics . p179, United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 1 of amended. the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the collection and publica- tion of statistics of tobacco by the Department of Agriculture," approved January 14, 1929 is amended to read as follows : li Collection

iqu anti ty pu b- yuo

That the- Secretary of Agriculture be, and he is hereby, author- leaf tobacco .

ized and directed to collect and publish statistics of the quantity of In possession of leaf tobacco in all forms in the United States owned b or in the quasi manufacturers,

y added . possession of dealers, manufacturers, quasi-manufacturers, growers' cooperative associations, warehousemen, brokers, holders, or owners, other than the original growers of tobacco . The statistics shall Details required . show the quantity of tobacco in such detail as to types and groups of grades as the Secretary of Agriculture shall deem to be practical and necessary for the purpose of this Act, and said statistics shall show t he sto cks of tobac co of the la st four crop years, inclu ding crow gation of new therein the production of the year of the report, which shall be known as new crops, separately from the stocks of previous years which shall be known as old crops, and shall be summarized as ol l