Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/703

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72d CONGRES S . SESS . I. CH. 482 . JULY 14, 1932.

679 for incidental expenses of the school, including chemicals, stationery, hardware, machinery, and boats ; for pay of civilian clerks, drafts- men, electricians, mechanics, and laborers ; for compensation of civilian lecturers ; and for unforeseen expenses, and not to exceed $900 for traveling expenses of officers on journeys approved by the Secretary of War and made for the purpose of instruction, $20,900 : Provided That the traveling expenses herein provided for shall be in lieu of mileage and other allowances . ENG INE ER OPE RAT ION S IN THE FIEL D ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT ORDN ANCE SE RVICE AND SUP PLIES, ARMY Travel expenses . Proviso. In lieu of mileage . ENGINEER EQUIPMENT OF TROOPS

Equipment of troops . For pontoon material, tools, instruments, supplies, and appliances et Materiaia, supplies, required for use in the engineer equipment of troops 2 for military surveys, and for engineer operations in the field, including the purchase, maintenance, operation, and repair of the necessary motor cycles ; the purchase and preparation of engineer manuals and for a reserve supply of above equipment, $185,O0n Field operations F or ex penses incid ent to milit ary e nginee r oper ations in th e fie ld, Incidental expenses . incl uding the pu rchase of m ateria l and a rese rve of mate rial f or suc h operations, the rental of storehouses within and outside of the District of C olumb ia, the opera tion , mai nten ance, and rep air o f ho rse-d rawn and motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles

for the execution

of topog raph ic an d ot her surve ys a nd pr epar ation and rep roduc tion of maps for military purposes, and for research and development of surveying by means of aerial photography and in field reproduction methods ; for services of surveyors, survey parties,' draftsmen, Surveyors, assistants, pho togr aphe rs, mas ter lab ore rs, cler ks, and ot her emp loye es t o at e' Engineer officers on the staffs of division, corps area, and department commanders, and such expenses as are ordinarily provided for under the appropriation for "Engineer depots," including not to exceed $610 for traveling expenses, $175,610 : Provided, That so much of T empo construe . this appro priati on as is ne cessar y to p rovide facil ities for e nginee r Lion work for training tra ining of troop s ma y be expe nded for mili tary cons truc tion work of a temporary character at camps and cantonments and at training areas for training purposes only . Ordnance Depart . ment . Ordnan ce se rvice and supplies . For manufa cture, procure ment, storage a nd issue, incl uding e t M anufa cture , issu e, research, planning, design, development, inspection, test, alteration, maintenance, repair, and handling of ordnance material together with the machi nery, suppli es, a nd ser vices necess ary th ereto ; fo r s up pli es Current expenses . and services in connection with the general work of the Ordnance Department, comprising police and office duties, rents, tolls, fuel, light, water, advertising, stationery, typewriting, and computing mac hines, inclu ding t heir exchan ge, an d furn iture, tool s, and instr u- ments of service ; to pro vide for tr aini ng and oth er i ncid ent al expenses of the ordnance service ; for instruction purposes, other than tuition ; for maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled and horse-drawn freight and passenger-carrying vehicles ; for ammo- Ammunition for mil . nition for military salutes at Government establishments, and insti- Itary salutes' tutions to which the issues of arms for salutes are authorized ; for Consultingengineers . services, material, tools, and appliances for operation of the testing machines and chemical laboratory in connection therewith ; for pub- I