Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/708

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 482 . JU LY 14,1932 . $908,74 5 shal l be a vailab le for the p roducti on and purch ase of new airplanes and their equipment, spare parts and accessories, and all of the sums appropriated in this Act on account of the National T to hing,eq uipment .

Guard shall be accounted for as one fund : Provided, That the Secre- ec., o . Army sar• tart' o f War is her eby au thoriz ed to issue f rom su rplus or res erve stores and material on hand and purchased for the United States Army such articles of clothing and equipment and Field Artillery, Engineer, and Signal material and ammunition as may be needed by Vpol49, p. 191; Vol. the National Guard organized under the provisions of the Act ~CJ.9 .C .,p .1034 ; 8upp . entitled "An Act for making further and more effectual provision V., p 501.

for the national defense, and for other purposes," approved June without crt ont° 3, 1916 (U. S. C ., title 32, sec . 21), as amended . This issue shall be made without charge against militia appropriations except for actual expenses incident to such issue . No inet c.,

of No appropriation contained in this Act shall be available for any mounted, ate units• expense for or on account of a larger number of mounted and medi- cal units, .and motor transport, military police wagon and service companies of the National Guard than may be in existence, on June 30, 1932 . New airplanes, etc . Organized Reserves. Officers' Reserve Corps. .Prooi8o8. Mileage allowance. Enlisted Reserve Corps . Correspo ndence courses. Training manuals. Establishme .its, etc., headquarters and train- ca mp vehicles. Purchase of new air- pla nes , etc. Medical and hospital treatment, etc ., if in- jured In line of duty . Vol.45,p. 461. 02F. 8 .0., Supp. V, p. ORGANIZED RESERVES For pay a nd all owance s of m embers of th e Offic ers' R eserve Corps on active duty in accordance with law ; mileage, reimbursement of actual trave ling e xpense s, or per di em allo wances in li eu the reof, as authorized by law : Provided, That the mileage allowance to members of the Officers' Reserve Corps when called into active serv- ice for training for fifteen days or less shall not exceed 4 cents per mile ; pay, transportation, subsistence, clothing,' and medical and hospital treatment of members of the Enlisted Reserve Corps ; con- ducting correspondence or extension courses for instruction of mem- bers of the Reserve Corps, including necessary supplies, procure- ment of maps and textbooks - and transportation and traveling ex- penses of employees ; purchase of training manuals, including Government publications and blank forms, subscriptions to maga- zines and periodicals of a professional or technical nature ; establish- ment, maintenance, and operation of divisional and regimental headquarters and of camps for training of the Organized Reserves ; for miscellaneous expenses incident to the administration of the Or- ganized Reserves, including the maintenance and operation of motor- propelled passenger-carrying vehicles and purchase of thirty such vehicles (at a cost not exceeding $625 each including the value of a vehicle exchanged) ; for the actua l and necess ary ex penses , or pe r diem in lieu thereof, at rates authorized by law, incurred by officers and enlisted men of the Regular Army traveling on duty in connec- ti6u-with the Organized Reserves ;, for expenses incident to the use, including upkeep and depreciation costs of supplies, equipment, and material furnished in accordance with law from stocks under the control of the War Department, except that not to exceed $384,210 of this a ppropriat ion shall be avail able for expenditu re by the Chief of the Air Corps for the production and purchase of new airplanes and their equipmen t, spare parts, an d accesso ries ; for tr ansportat ion of baggage, including packing and crating, of reserve officers ordered to active duty for not less than six months ; -for - the medical and hospital treatment of members of the Officers' Reserve Corps and of the Enlisted Reserve Corps, who suffer personal injury or con- tract d isease in li ne of duty, as pro vided b y the Act of April 26, 1928 (U. S. C., Supp. V, title 10, sets. 451, 455), and for such other purposes in connection therewith as are authorized by the said Act,